Bannerlord Tactics: Do Tactics ACTUALLY MATTER for Bannerlord?

Do Battlefield Tactics actually make a difference in Bannerlord? If so, how much? In this episode we explore this question.

Welcome back future Khans, Emperors, Jarls and Sultans of Calradia! We’re continuing to show our late-game campaign including huge battles, and winning(most) of these battles by deploying advanced tactics to overcome superior enemy forces. Our entire channel is dedicated to helping players improve their field command and if that’s your desire, or just want to see huge, dramatic battles, you’ve come to the right place.

This channel is designed to help players further their field command to the point where they will fluidly move troops depending on situations, and win battles like a Legend.

Please comment, like and subscribe if you’re interested in more of my ultra-late-game campaign, that may end up ending in utter despair, but that’s the challenge of it. Any challenge where success is assured is no challenge at all.

My campaign is an extremely late-game campaign where I am resolved to give no peace to these scum Kingdoms attacking me – seven of the eight have been at war for years, with only Sturgia at a neutral stance. My family of warriors is now large though and with what remaining strength and valor we can must, we stand against the map of Calradia.

Join me on this adventure if you like huge battles, the use of advanced tactical maneuvers and intense Bannerlord gameplay, and subscribe to my channel if you want to follow along. This campaign is very lightly modded:

I use five to eight mods:

Reinforcement System Mod(highlighted in this video):

Time Pass Mod: Realistic Lighting for battles and town scenes(the time CHANGES):

RTS Mod(for better unit flag colors/overhead view and using other characters in battle):

Immersive Battlefields:
A great mod that adds battle cries, roaring troops and more:

Lord Retinue Uptier(Makes the enemy forces stronger, much less peasants and lower ranked troops)

Improved AI Troops(Also makes enemy lords and their armies tougher by giving them a higher daily xp rate. This means you’ll routinely face armies with HUGE numbers of the highest tier units, sometimes four or five times the normal amount in vanilla Bannerlord):

Death for all: This mod allows you to set the rate at which nobles die more often. I want both a harder challenging late-game but also a more realistic game. If you’re cut down with a massive aserai two-handed axe, you shouldn’t just be injured 99.9% of the time. It’s a very customizable mod so you can just a little more death or set the death rate so high you get several deaths every battle. The number I often like is ’10’, some deaths but not a massacre of nobles…

I also use the Dismemberment Plus Mod: It’s highly customizable and works seamlessly with the new beta(and versions back to 1.28). I thoroughly recommend it if you enjoy carnage!:

I’ve also used Realistic Battle Mod in the past and highly recommend it for Ai and battle realism BUT I find the pace too slow for my taste and the AI is actually rather predictable after a half dozen battles. Still I wanted to put a plug in for it here, it’s a GREAT mod and highly configurable.

Much of the music and inspiration for this and other videos in the channel are inspired by Epic History TV – probably THE best channel on youtube(and the internet for that matter) covering the Napoleonic wars. With amazing work Epic History TV takes you through the dramatic and incredibly story of Napoleon covering all of his most famous battles. I HIGHLY recommend it.

Epic History TV:

#bannerlord #war #medieval #bannerlordgameplay #bannerlordmod


19 thoughts on “Bannerlord Tactics: Do Tactics ACTUALLY MATTER for Bannerlord?”

  1. While I am confident the vast majority of you regular viewers and subscribers love and KNOW tactics are vital for success, this video's purpose is to illustrate definitively to those who haven't discovered this fact yet, or for those who are new(er) to the game. I hope this helps a GREAT many folks out there to start using complicating tactics to roll over their foes. Happy crushing fellas!

  2. Hey, good video! As always, very interesting information and strategies you showed us.

    I do have a bit of a struggle to command my cavalry in battle, which tends to be a third of the total of my army. After trying to use the different strats you show in your videos, I either have my cav following me, trying to get them to flank the enemy, or I have them doing a shield wall protecting the flanks of my archers and infantry, also on a shield wall in the preparation mode of the battle.

    One of the main issues I think I'm having is that after the first big confrontation, I'm not sure how to react to or adapt my formation or strategy after that point. I do try to use the land clifs or high grounds to get an advantage, but I end up losing quite a bunch of troops after the enemy engages me differently and moves their troops around me. I win most of the fights at equal strength, but I haven't managed to win against an enemy with higher-tier troops and outnumbers. My lack of adaptability in battle and poor use of my cavalry prevent me from achieving an even greater victory.
    ( I also tend to enjoy too much filling my need for blood and forget for moments to manage my troops, but I'm working on that one already xD )

    If you have any advice for me, I would be thankful. Anyway, have a great day man, and keep these great quality videos coming!

  3. I am back in Vanila with feudal warfare mod. And I am wonder if party leader tactic skill can improve AI behavior when F6 is AI commanded. With 0skill in tactic they do charge command and lose battle without managing. I do shildwall + F4 infantry and bow F4 when archers are close =F6 than after cavalry do the job infantry line formation and charge. Cavalry square formation to face enemy cavalry and charge archer and charge infantry from behind.(My first battle I was attacked by AI 430 vs 400. I don't use RBM and I lost 5x before I get used on Native battle system)

  4. personally when im fighting a larger army i try to draw them into favourable terrain, like for examplr if i have more or better cavalry i will draw them into open battle where i can more effectively use my cavalry, if i have less troops i will try to fight on a beach, bridge or valley map that has natural chokepoints if the enemy has cavalry superioty i will fight in a forest terrain as the trees break up cavalry charge, and if the enemy has more or better archers i will fight at night as ranged troops has an accuracy debuff in night battles

  5. Challenge accepted bro…
    My first campaign has more than 10,000 days played and the Black Lion campaign has more than 6,000.
    To be fair though I stratigically passed 20 years of time in both of those campaigns. I don't plan on doing that in my Black Lion Origins run. Im playing that one as though it's an iron man mode run.
    Another great video man. Thanks for all the great content. You're nearly replacing Netflix for me single handed.

  6. Uhhh. . .absolutely

    There’s a region on the south east side of Sturgia, bordering the western empire that has three bridges.

    With only ~200 soldiers, maybe 90 Sturgian infantry, 80 Battanian archers, and ~30 mixed cavalry, I defeated an opposing Vlandian force of ~1,100

    I did this by blocking off one of the bridges with my infantry in shield wall formation, with cavalry immediately behind them to stab at any hostile making it around or behind the formation (with the bridges, it’s hard to position troops to entirely block off the way. Sometimes there’s gaps on either side of the formation.

    Infantry units carry their shields on their left, so I positioned my archers to the left hand side of the bridge (facing the enemy)

    And the Battanian archers decimated. Sturgian Spearmen with their shields held the line. Cavalry supported them.

  7. Fun tactic I use for sieges. The Blitzkrieg. Just put all your units to one side with ladders, spread archers out (too close for catapults or balistas to hit them) and just rush one side of the castle/town. Works for me even being outnumbered 3 to 1. Just because they will spread their units over 2 portions of the castle/town


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