AVATAR 1×15 REACTION – Seeing Katara and Sokka's Dad For The First Time!

This episode should have been called “Angry Boy and Uncle Lazy” because, let’s be honest, that was the best line in the whole thing LOL. Also, I am very impressed by the strength of Katara and Sokka’s loyalty to Aang, they literally chose to stay and help the Avatar instead of going on the path to meet their dad, WOW. I think it’s cool that we got see their father’s face for the first time! Idk why I thought he was dead?. And on a final note: I didn’t like the way June whipped her creature. Fandoms don’t like it when you point out anything remotely “negative” but I just don’t like that kind of stuff AT ALL.

What do you think? and did you see my Cat Ted Talk in the intro? Hahahah. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

#AvatarReaction #AvatarTheLastAirbenderReaction


35 thoughts on “AVATAR 1×15 REACTION – Seeing Katara and Sokka's Dad For The First Time!”

  1. I see you. I could tell this episode had some impactful moments for you, which is fine. Don't mind at all seeing your authentic self – it's one of the reasons why we're here. I also didn't like that June used a whip to control the Shirshu. I might be less inclined to feel bad because it's similar to the tongue, but yeah, whips are cruel. I think the Avatar fandom would agree. Love your cats. Don't worry, cats are never not relevant, haha. A primary function of the internet is for sharing cats ahaha.

  2. Hi Amanda, awesome reaction as usual. Just out of curiosity, have you ever considered a microphone standard, it would free up your hands and might make for a bit more relaxing experience.

  3. "And before people tell me that that's how they make animals move…I don't care."

    Fucking *agreed*. Just because a bad practice is common, doesn't make it less bad.

  4. I dont hate this episode necessarily. The story is fine but the characters just all feel so different than normal. Aang feels off in his jealousy of not getting any attention. Sokka seems way more short tempered than usual about Aang lying. Katara doesn't seem like she'd ever turn her back on Aang for something like this. And worst of all Uncle Iroh just seems super creepy with June. It's not even the huge age difference, the worst part was faking being paralyzed to cuddle with June it's just super creepy the more you think about it. The only normal character is Zuko.

  5. I'm so glad to see another Avatar episode! I can't wait to see more!
    In regards to you thinking Sokka and Kataras dad was dead, did you mix up their mom with their dad? because its been mentioned like 2 or 3 times that shes dead and maybe you mixed them up. regardless great reaction as always!

  6. It's totally relevant! You can't have cats on the internet without introducing us to them =^.^= Another great reaction, can't wait for you to watch the rest of the series, it just keeps getting better!

  7. 2:06 “'Bato of the Water Tribe'. Like bateau in French?”

    Well, there is a bateau playing a pretty central role in the episode (even helping lead Sokka with the Gaang to find Bato in the first place) and bateau is also spelled bato in Créole, so you may be on to something 🤔

  8. In real life most animals don’t even get hit with the whip. It’s just the cracking sound that makes them move. You’re thinking of a riding crop, which when used properly isn’t done any harder than a strong clap on the back. You shouldn’t assume animals feel everything the same way humans do.

  9. "re-encounter" isn't commonly used, but isn't wrong either; you're allowed to add "re-" to just about any verb you want. but for something that's more typically used in english… you could say you want sokka and katara to reunite with their father, or for the three of them to reunite, or for the three of them to be reunited.

  10. 17:00 what I really like about the show is that each bending style has different movements for their bending that are taken from existing martial arts styles – and even these martial arts styles each have a mentality corresponding to the elements!


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