Automaton Lung // a 3ds farewell – aqualounge DEEP DIVE #002

this is aqualounge DEEP DIVE – an interview series that seeks to tell the human story of video games and document the people, places, and works that make the heart of our subculture beat.

in DEEP DIVE #002, we reckon with the coming death of the Nintendo 3DS, and tell the story of a developer who has the privilege and burden of seeing it off into the sunset. developer Luke Vincent’s 2022 adventure game Automaton Lung will be one of the last official 3DS games – a game whose beautifully ruined world warns of a technologically isolated future, and simultaneously mourns a different, more social vision of future tech once championed by its dying handheld platform. what does quietly losing access to a decade of video game culture mean to Luke, and what does it mean for us?

buy the Steam port of Automaton Lung here:


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3DS footage captured by NintendoDuo –


17 thoughts on “Automaton Lung // a 3ds farewell – aqualounge DEEP DIVE #002”

  1. The sound in this video was excellent. The voices and all. Also nice to hear @lukevincent4256 's voice. Now here's the big question for Harold fans… Is the beginning of Harold Reborn's, "WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF HAROLD… REBORN!" Luke Vincent's voice? I'm going to say yes.

  2. Holy shit, what an absolute trip of a video, I cannot WAIT for the day I can say I was one of the first subscribers of this famous channel 🙂 keep it up man, exponential growth is inevitable with your talent.

  3. The art direction and writing in this video are crazy good!

    The 3ds is probably the system I connected with the most growing up, so it's tragic seeing the games and services you grew up with fade into obscurity. The platform had so many digital only gems, and carried forward the legacy of the DSi by bringing over almost all of the DSiWare titles, but now all of it will be left to rot in Nintendo's archives, potentially forever. I want to shout out all the Nintendo preservation communities, RiiConnect24, Sudomemo, Project Kearu, Wiimmfi, and so many others that help keep gaming history alive for future generations and enable me to show these games to my kids in the future.

  4. I love automaton lung. Beat it about 3 times already and its just got such a fun environment and eerie/nostalgic feel, funky soundtrack and is available on pc. One of my current favorite games

  5. I'll tell you what we can do about it…. it's called the Retriod pocket and other retro gaming devices…. for the life of me I don't understand why companies make it so hard to play their older games.


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