Australia to modernise navy under $11 billion plan

Australia will take a gamble on a new fleet of drone ships under an $11 billion plan to modernise the Navy.

This plan will see the number of Navy warships more than double in the coming decades from 11 to 26.

Because of several older ships going out of service, Australia’s fleet will shrink first until the early 2030s.

Military experts warn this could leave the nation exposed right as China is rapidly expanding its defence and asserting its influence in the Pacific.

One of the most ambitious parts of this plan is the acquisition of six large drone-style vessels.


19 thoughts on “Australia to modernise navy under $11 billion plan”

  1. knowing how wages rise on demand , these will be trillions in the end ,and none of these cartel politicians will be alive by that date ,so no blame can be given to these war Mungers with fear and hate in their minds . fear the boogie man at your expense..

  2. It's not happening for ten years. And again the ships will be old designs when they hit the water. This is why labor lies. And no-one fact checks labors lies. The ships you build now – will be different in ten years time. Which means by the time you start – the technology shift in design – and new systems – has shifted – dramatically – you need a whole new ship design.

    This is why Australia – buys and builds out of date equipment. And costs will be far higher in ten years time. So what you propose today – at today's costs – in ten years time you can almost double the cost – or more then double the cost.

    when you make a decision – you have to be ready to go – today. Kicking the can down the road – leads to the same problem – what something costs now – you can't forecast ten years into the future it will cost the same.

    Look at the nuclear submarine program. Again no competitive run off. So a U.S. nuclear submarine – against a U.K. nuclear submarine – run off competition. Which one would be more suitable to Australia.

    You can bet labor has gone with the U.S. version – as the Democrats – are labors political loony left wing feral hero's. That might all change in November 2024. And if Trump becomes the President in November – there is no guarantee – he wont pull the U.S. promise to sell nuclear submarines to Australia.

    So – this is all games – smoke and mirrors. As labor does with every policy. Don't listen to words. See what is dropped on the ground. And you can bet – it will be totally different – to what was promised. It will look nothing like what labor says it will be.

    Guaranteed – labor lies every day – in every way.

  3. Back ended announcement
    Basically doing nothing….ongoing!!
    Marles and Albanese couldn't run a bath, meanwhile Gallagher blowing $40M of Hardworking Australian Taxpayers funds on self promotion for the Stage 3 Tax Cut Lies.

  4. Yep hope aussies do it. Bit late to the party, got alotta sheet goin on right meow.
    But better late than never I suppose.
    Didn't we give australia a bunch of submarines recently? hmm probably old and crappy ones. Thought i remember something about that. Just strange timing …


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