Attorney for woman in viral Citi Bike fight video speaks out

A fight over a Citi Bike last week has exploded on social media. Now, an attorney for the woman in the video is fighting the claims circulating online. CBS2’s Dick Brennan reports.


39 thoughts on “Attorney for woman in viral Citi Bike fight video speaks out”

  1. Why is she accused of stealing the bike? What did she say that was racist? Where is the young man’s receipt? Are you kidding? The men were using racial slurs!

  2. Of course crump in it. Its more a shame that a young man cant give a pregnant woman the bike theres no respect anymore. I go out of my way to help ppl has nothing to do with race

  3. This wouldn't have been news if the perpetrators weren't black. But, because they are, she's immediately guilty of being a "racist white karen" by the media and placed on leave by her job. Fucking absurd. Sorry, but young blacks in today's world are only further feeding the negative statistics that are deemed "racist" when anyone points them out, and that's the fact.

  4. could there have been a glitch in the app they used to rent, saying they both rented the same bike at the same time? i dont rent citibikes so if anyone that does knows please share

  5. You know what you're I just thought about it. I know that lady I'm a African American that was in the hospital and she was acting. Just like that sarcastic and racist is h*** and she wasn't pregnant didn't and again

  6. Yes I remember that lady and she was acting like that so bad towards me and not only her you're don't see all this. Hospitals like that. In New York racist's hair's choice black people sarcastic sarcastic is h***. New York is a horrible plas fat as people like deck choice blacks and blacks too busy being nasty to leach other. New York is one ugly ugly. City with a bunch of racist ugly people.

  7. Poor journalism, CBS. The kid's receipts posted pre-dates her QR scan by HOURS before her attempting to steal his bike. and of course some folks are taking the side of a sleezy lawyer defending a rabid racist with dry fake tears.

  8. The guys sister just showed that her brother had the bike for hours before Karen. She is in fact… A Karen, who tried to steal a bike and weaponize her tears. She only got a receipt after scanning her code after fighting for the bike. She should be fired and held accountable and her lying attorney should be disbarred

  9. What a fckin joke. People are so ignorant. That kid is in the wrong. How awful for her to be treated like that. And people are donating $ to this black family! For what? They're so poor as sister has gold chains and nails done. Those are the same kind of guys that wouldn't get up for an elderly. No manners No respect
    Dont support dick head behavior.

  10. Looks like all those that was against the young man have to eat their words bcuz her and her attorney are liars and she did try to steal that young man's bike salty tears taste good people should use common sense she was wrong and tried to get him killed she is a menace to society and humanity 😮😮😮

  11. And YES I do believe a white woman will pretend to be pregnant and fight with a black or any child of color to get what she wants. Look what happened to Emmitt.


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