ATTACK ON MOSCOW, RUSSIA PUSHED BACK IN KHARKIV! Breaking Ukraine War News With The Enforcer (839)

An attack on Moscow has resulted in a massive fire sweeping over buildings and burning cars where they sit. Russian forces desperately attempt to protect the heart of Russia, stripping Crimea of air defense and moving it to Belgorod to stop further attacks. Meanwhile Russian forces are still being pushed back in the Vovchansk front. Russia lost an SU-34 in a crash today, and also lost an SU-25 near Avdiivka.

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42 thoughts on “ATTACK ON MOSCOW, RUSSIA PUSHED BACK IN KHARKIV! Breaking Ukraine War News With The Enforcer (839)”

  1. The only thing the Russians wanted was a blacksea port for their navy, however since its no longer possible the Russians are cutting their losses and waiting to see if he Ukrainians are bold enough to take the Peninsula back. It could be a bluff on the other hand, hoping the Ukrainians would commit a larger enough force and destroy them or at least tie them up. Meanwhile the Russians would then push through somewhere were those Ukrainians would have used as a blocking force.

  2. I do appreciate the effort you put in but for a couple of guys that want to offer something different in the news arena, you sure do over hype a lot of your content and offer a lot of speculation, just like CNN and FOX.

  3. Vorrei che molti ,troppi estimatori del russo, andassero a Cuba a vedere con cosa vivono. Ma poi , è possibile non capire, che una dittatura può tenersi amico solo un suo pari? Iran, Corea del Nord, Cina, e paesi africani dove stranamente comanda un generale, o un militare? Aggiungiamo Siria o quel che ne rimane? Se trovate tracce di democrazia, ditelo.

  4. The Ukrainians have pulled the Russian's pants down, and now everyone can see that their once-vaunted military is a joke. The only thing they have is a nuclear supply, which, if they use it, will be national suicide. So, pardon me if I yawn when I hear that the Russian navy is coming close to our coast.

  5. It is coming putin all we want is for the russian army to leave Ukraine we want nothing to do with putin economics Ukraine wants to be free to trade with everyone without restrictions and no russian interferance

  6. They are banking on ukraine being unable to get to Crimea and are worried about ukraine arming the free russsia faction that could exploit the strikes by ukraine into russia to push into russia.

  7. When I was looking at channels to follow the Ukraine war, I watched a few of the Enforcer videos and found out it was always the same thing, clickbait and bad attitude, so I unsubed. Then I hear that you low lifes are doxxing Mercado, which is fun to watch, informative and not clickbaity. You guys should really get a life.

  8. It would not surprise me to hear that all these Russian ships will surrender and desert to the USA. They realize that they would be safer on the side of the free world than defending a hateful dictator.

  9. You need to stop with the harassment towards Mercado Media, you went too far this time giving out his address live on youtube and as been reported on behalf of Mercado Media for harassment and doxxing.


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