ATK or EM for Aggravate? | Ask Zajef # 6

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0:00 Intro
0:04 Announcement about Ask Zajef videos
0:55 What if they remove Fischl A4 aggravate interaction?
4:20 ATK vs EM for aggravate
10:43 Will Sayu be good for aggravate?
11:29 Is VV bad for Kazuha in aggravate?
11:55 CV isn’t real
13:09 Is Dendro Traveler the best Dendro in 3.0?
13:54 Best Dendro support for Ganyu melt
14:47 Element ranking
16:03 Is one dendro enough for aggravate?
16:09 Outro


48 thoughts on “ATK or EM for Aggravate? | Ask Zajef # 6”

  1. I'm curious why you say pyro is lower down compared to electro in your element ranking. Because I'm sure most people would say that pyro is one of the better elements and electro is one of the worst.

  2. Assuming you run one electro, you can get away with the new EM artefact coming in sumeru since it gives 230 total EM value so you can run atk, or if your running double electro you’ll get some bonus elemental damage and you’ll still have 180 EM.

  3. the element ratings are really interesting because i guess its a metric of how good the element is as it relates to other elements, and not about how powerful the individual characters are. That being said, it makes me feel funny to see pyro lower than electro. i mean yeah, electro has some sick shit but also pyro is an integral part of the currently most popular reaction, reverse vaporize.
    Idk maybe its just an issue that vaporize isn't that good in theory but its effective in practice due to the current roster??

    edit: its bad in theory due to ICD rules but effective in practice because of hu tao and xiangling's blatant disregard for those rules

  4. You don't need much if not any Atk% stats on Xiang Ling actually since she getting so much ATK from Bennet so you can prioritize just CV ER and EM rolls.

  5. Thank you so much for all of this! You're the very first person I've seen who makes guides and theorycrafting regarding leaked information that is actually easy to understand! Even being fairly good at maths it can easily become a headache when you don't know the formula which Genshin follows for damage and EM and whatnot, but with you everything is super clear and makes sense! Thanks again!

  6. It's definitely true to balance your stats instead of only looking for CV only . My hutao have 3 crit rate circlet , one has 34 crit dmg only , one has 70EM sub stats and the other one has 40EM and some HP% . I tested multiple times and the best one is the one having both HP and EM even though when i equipped it my stats look less impressive compare to when i used the 34% crit dmg one

  7. Wtf is that tier list lmao how can you possibly compare elements on their own? Why is Pyro so low for depending on Hydro and other elements when Anemo isnt shit without other elements either?

  8. The whole CV is overrated thing is stupid as hell to me. If you're playing xiangling, you usually have someone like sucrose giving her EM and you might even be using dragons bane, on top of that maybe you are not but instead you are using raidens bis 4star (I forget the name), at the end of the day there are multiple sources of em, er and atk% other than artifacts but when it comes to CV the only source for most players is just artifacts, so yeah CV is not everything but it is definitely more vakuable on your rolls than em and er for a character like XG.

  9. For Fischl’s A4, it’s important to note that Swirl is still considered an electro related reaction, so as long as Quicken is designed to hold an electro aura, Anemo units can still be good drivers for Fischl’s A4

  10. Isnt Fischl A4 passive says that the on field character have to proc the electro reaction?

    So unless fischl herself is on field to proc aggravate which seems quite nice from her fast electro application.

    The proper way seems to use a dendro main dps to proc fischl A4 and only Tighnari will be available for, who is not as hyped as much seemingly.

    Anyway, fischl Oz, c6 and a4 all do a lot of electro application so seems to be good with dendro no matter what.

    Edit: other ways seems to use additional elements like maybe anemo can swirl the electro that will then cause aggravate to activate fischl A4 to aggravate as well but the latter reaction requires dmg bonus and crit which requires a hybrid build so it might be better to just go back to sucrose taser.

    Edit2: The best way would probably be a fast main dps electro like keqing to proc fischl A4 but would there be enough dendro? Then the solution of double dendro could be it but VV set is too op to not use it for an electro dps team.

    Would it be like electrocharge where there is a delay between each dmg tick?


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