Atheists Just Accused Answers in Genesis of Something BIG.

Atheists have recently accused Answers in Genesis—a wonderful, gospel-centered apologetics ministry—of a very serious crime. Ray Comfort talks about the situation more in depth, explains how the accusations are unfounded, and then uses the topic s a unique way to share the gospel with people on the streets.

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30 thoughts on “Atheists Just Accused Answers in Genesis of Something BIG.”

  1. Respect to the Atheist who interviewed/bullied but if he believes being open-minded compells him to read the book he was given, he os similarly compelled to also read an exhausting list of other books from other religions and sects within religions as well as works from agnostics and atheists.

  2. The book of Revelation portrays a "counterfeit trinity" made up of the dragon, the sea beast, and the land beast in Revelation 13. Who are the real forgers?

    Watch: “The Dragon – The First Principle of the False Trinity | Prophet Dr. David Owuor | July 5, 2022” on Repent and Come Out of The Great Tribulation.

    Watch: “The Antichrist – The Second Principle of the False Trinity | Prophet Dr. David Owuor | July 5, 2022” on Repent and Come Out of The Great Tribulation.

    Watch: “The False Prophet – The Third Principle of the False Trinity | Prophet Dr David Owuor | July 5, 2022” Repent and Come Out of The Great Tribulation.

  3. I'm sorry, but the truth is that these comments from these atheists just shows they aren't thinking properly, I think they are 60 cents short of a dolor upstairs, if you know what I mean?

  4. Under God’s Law, if someone falsely accuse another of a crime, they will receive the actual punishment reserved for the crime the falsely charge others with.

    When one side resort to lying about their opponents, we can then easily see whose children they are; they are the sons of their father, Satan, the father of lies.

  5. The atheists are making a valid point, because they are stupid. Even Anthony Flew recanted his belief in no God after the discovery of DNA. Unfortunately the snake oil so called scientists love $$$.

  6. Obviously the money they are going to hand out won’t have the effort that went into the photo that they used on their website.

    It is kind of weird to print fake money on one side and add other text to the back but it definitely isn’t illegal


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