At least 174 killed in stampede at Indonesia soccer stadium | DW News

Indonesian President Joko Widodo has ordered an investigation of a deadly stadium panic, after 174 football fans died at a stadium in the city of Malang on the island of Java.
Riot police fired tear gas at fans who streamed onto the pitch after a match between two Indonesian teams. The local chief of police said many of the deaths happened when spectators rushed for two exits while trying to escape from the stadium. Most were trampled, while some suffocated in the crush of people. It’s one of the deadliest stadium tragedies in modern history.


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20 thoughts on “At least 174 killed in stampede at Indonesia soccer stadium | DW News”

  1. A lack of accountability is why a lot of these things happen why are stadiums allowed to exceeded maximum capacity? who is responsible? Is there proportional security personal in place at such events? what is the protocol if a riot occurs?

  2. I often watch other sports in Indonesia (badminton, tennis, volley ball, basketball), and I often watch Indonesian football national team live, both in GBK stadium, or elsewhere, even overseas.
    I still dont have the guts to watch local football league match live in stadium. too dangerous for my sense. The fanaticism of some fans is crazy and idiotic, really. All those fanaticism just for a bloody football club.

    Some (read: hundreds) of the fans were at fault by jumping into the field then runnning amok after Arema lost to Persebaya, first home loss in 2 decades. Then the police made terrible, if not criminal, decision by unleashing gas inside stadium, which is an enclosed area, leading to suffocation and stampede (and more death by suffocation) on the stands as people tried to flee.

    Such an unnecessary catastrophe. Had the fans accepted the loss, had the police left their gas cannisters at HQ and used other means (water cannon ?), 174 people might well still be with us.

    Rest in peace to those who died, may their family have strength.

  3. Similar to Argentina that football is treated as a belief for ultras Indonesia unless they don't yet have a football god such (the legend of legends and also praised in Indonesia) DIEGO MARADONA

  4. Indonesian people are very afraid of the Indonesian police because the Indonesian police are very cruel and cunning, corruption of the Indonesian police has become a common thing every day, there is no courage from the people for fear of being criminalized
    Police Indonesian is True very2 brutal and very arogan,

  5. These indon, got IQ of 0. Fighting and dying over rubber sphere, I understand if it's a barbaric sports like colosseum, gladiator thing. But then again this prolly happen cause some supporter on losing team lost their money on a bet and try to stir and provoke things up.

  6. Brutal bgt…ga bs salahin polisi.
    Ngrti .turun ke lapangan hancurin mobil polisi.lempar sana sini..chaos bgt..ujung nya berakhir tragedi
    Analoginya mirip kaya kita mau jarah mall..lalu chaos berebut keluar.sangkit padat kehabisan napas terinjak2 .


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