Assassin's Creed Shadows Gets MOCKED By Fans For CRINGE Black Samurai Gameplay | Woke Ubisoft FAIL

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43 thoughts on “Assassin's Creed Shadows Gets MOCKED By Fans For CRINGE Black Samurai Gameplay | Woke Ubisoft FAIL”

  1. I'm getting tired of this shit. Yes we are all getting what you are saying. All characters in games should be white males, no weak women. Yasuke is a part of Japan's history and whether he was real or a mashup of several characters of Japan's history, HE WAS A PART OF IT. I am so tired of constantly hearing "where's the white guy" when you idiots are reviewing any trailers. If the game is not full of live service crap and the story and gameplay are good I don't give a f*** what race/gender the main character is.

  2. so they think its okay for an African man to play a Japanese samurai?? I can't even believe this. So what happens if there is ever an african game, Can we see a caucasian playing an African?/
    I just can't stand it anymore. It's a NO BUY from me

  3. God yall are just as misleading as these crazy liberals the game is literally number 1 in pre-orders in Japan and the pre-order numbers are doing great in north America. The game is going to be a success

  4. Yasuke is a very interesting character. The controversy seems to mostly stem from Americans who think this is some sort of blackwashed Ghost of Tsushima. Yasuke is an interesting historical figure, and the way he's presented isn't entirely inaccurate or made-up.
    Yasuke was bestowed the title of Samurai by Oda Nobunaga. He was the first foreigner to receive this. It is also factual that he fought in battles alongside Oda, up until the Daimyo's death, and it is factual that he was presented with a set of swords for his loyalty to Oda. There is no proof he fought using the (long)sword, as he vanished after the death of Nobunaga's son, but there is proof that he brandished the weapons and could hold the stances of a Samurai.

    The voice acting: Only the girl sounds bad. Yasuke's VA sounds quite good, actually.

    The music: This is pretty awful.

  5. You may be surprised on discord channel i criticized Nao for not feel like real Shinobi and very soulless
    Shinobi supposed to be bad ass Japanese (such as sekiro)
    And yasuke isn't really feel like good character they could've just brought Japanese fighter instead of a historical figure they brought it for woke dei
    So i called out to be racist/ sexist
    One of them was unhinged and called me oh you offended me and everyone you brother sex
    Moderator ban her
    Like i explained how wrong they were and still tomorrow moderator banned me
    Lol as long if Ubisoft have these people as fans they will continue making bad games like this

  6. Wanted Assasins Creed in Japan…and as much as it’s a fun idea with the semi history…REMEMBER WHEN WE PLAYED AN ASSASIN AND NOT A FOOT SOLDIER!?!? Altair remembers!!!

  7. I’m looking forward to this game but irl Yasuke wasn’t a samurai and what are the chances of him being gay as well? Media puts LGBTQ characters in everything now, there aren’t that many of them irl though, they’re just too loud and that’s what gets them heard.

  8. This is the most blatant, bareface example of cultural appropriation I've seen from a mainstream industry product as of late. And its hilarious watching the bought and paid for access media stuttering and stammering trying to come up with half assed excuses for it. This is the type of straight offensive racist crap you get when a bunch of woke "creators" desperately try to appeal to races they actually think are beneath them. First they made knock off bargain bin witcher 3 with asscreed valhalla, now they made knockoff dollar store ghosts of tsushima (with extra diversity!!) Ubisoft is pathetic.

  9. Whay so pained buhahahah would have been fun if it was a plamed colored man like u righjt Biuahahahah clows can feel the pain in your voice, like music to my ears 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  10. Ubi Soft will sell a hell amount DLC to unlock a Japanese samurai Is character.😂 I was looking so forward to this playing this game.. I change my mind now.. What a way to ruin a game with so much talent.

  11. Again with People conveniently ignoring the fact ac has NEVER been completely historically accurate😮‍💨😒😒 of course tanks existed during ezio's time period and of course we cant forget about mind controlling golden apples that were created by a TOTALLY historically accurate ancient advanced civilisation who were worshipped as gods….

  12. One thing I’d like to point out is we’ve never played as a historical figure. In all the other games we’ve encountered real historical figures, but never played as them, and that’s for a reason. Playing as yasuke is a terrible choice only to virtual signal. It doesn’t make sense for him to be an “assassin”. I’ll say it wouldn’t be a bad thing if he was in the game, but to play as him???? And he’s not even a samurai??? That’s where they messed up. I’m not saying assassins creed was always accurate. It’s very much not since it’s firstly a sci fi game but let’s face it we don’t care about the current day sci fi narratives in these games anyways. I’m saying there’s room for the fiction like there always was, and you can have people like George Washington or Benjamin Franklin appear in the game but why is Yasuke an exception to be a playable character? It would be weird to just slap the “historical fiction” sticker onto Leonardo Da Vinci and call him an assassin too wouldn’t it? Ubi-slop could have had him in the game just like they’ve had other real figures in their games before, because his story could be interesting to explore. But drastically changing his story and making him a samurai AND an assassin? Historical fiction can go from interesting to just plain cartoonish and dumb, and this game is definitely on the ladder end of that.

  13. Imagine growing up in a world where everyone on scene is one color in spite of the world 🌎 being full of colors it doesn't match history this inaccurate that I don't care this is for everyone who is not complaining

  14. Yasuke isn't even African-American. If they wanted to pay tribute to his origins, they shoulda had some pure African music. Then again… they woulda gone bankrupt if they played tribal drums and animal noises over a black dude bonking people with a big stick.

    It's not fair… we asked for AC in Japan for YEARS, back when they were still good, and Ubisoft always ignored us. Now that they're losing everyone's trust, they play the Japanese setting like some last ditch trump card? "Everyone hates us now! Quick, finally give them what they've been asking for! We'll be able to squeeze out more money that way!" Yet, they couldn't even get THAT right. Hip hop for a black samurai, a voice actress as bland as MK1 Nitara and a ripoff combat system


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