Aspen: The World's Most Expensive Winter Wonderland

Aspen is the world’s most expensive ski resort… also known for hosting famous people on a regular basis! Of course, sadly, the ordinary person won’t be able to stay there for long.

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46 thoughts on “Aspen: The World's Most Expensive Winter Wonderland”

  1. Used to live in Colorado. Went to aspen many times and each time I went a large part of the people were just dicks. I thought telluride had a tendency to have stuck up people but aspen takes the cake. It's a shame too, as the town is rather beautiful

  2. What I came for: a history lesson of aspen

    What I got: a Marx lesson in class warfare

    Leave out the politics bro. As a person that loves your content, This was shamefully biased

  3. This was awesome! Would love to see a sister video regarding Park City. A similar history but, comparatively, affordable and accessible from SLC. Not to mention the way they built the Olympic venues to be set up to re-host the games with comparatively little negative impact to the economy

  4. So a bunch of liberal celebrities that preach at people all the time on Twitter about what's wrong and right are living land stolen from a Native American Tribe these are the reasons why I have a hard time liking celebrities

  5. My family went to Vail every winter until we tried Snowmass and never went back. I had Lunch and browsed the shops in Aspen once. I still don't understand why anybody enjoys having so little to ski on. Snowmass is the best. More trails and fewer people

  6. I live there part time, and it's really just the best place in the world. It's like a vacation home away from the real world. Like living in a Disney film. It really clears the head, and gets you thinking straight. If you ever get the opportunity, I would never turn down a trip to Aspen. And not everyone who lives there is necessarily wealthy either. A lot of people who make lower income will just rent an apartment together. You'll see like 5 hippies stuffed in a one bedroom apartment, right above the banker who makes 200k a year. Everyone is always polite, and in a good mood. It's the ultimate vacation spot

  7. Been in Aspen several times. Overrated. Telluride is nicer from a mountain standpoint. But, I rather go to St Moritz, Davos, Zermatt, Chamonix, Cortina, Kitzbühel, Garmisch, even Vail. You get the point

  8. Cool, so next time the dumbasses whine about being on stolen land, we can tell them to destroy their homes in Aspen and return the land to them without any tax write-offs or charity credits.

  9. The billionaires are pushing the millionaires out of aspen. I used to sell cannabis at the green dragon in Aspen. It was a pretty cool town during ski season, but during the off-season, it was just another colorado town.

  10. As a local from aspen who can no longer live close to aspen. The rich have ruined this area. I work in aspen daily but have to drive an hour to work because no one can afford to live close. And it’s getting more expensive every year

  11. My stepfather grew up in Aspen. His parents owned the historic Isis movie theater before selling it and moving down to Grand Junction. I spent a lot of my childhood up there hunting, fishing and backpacking. Every year we'd hunt up on Red Mountain for a week during 2nd Rifle Season. I miss going up there as it's where I called my home away from home. Smiled when I saw this video. It brought back a lot of memories from my childhood.

  12. This guy has an agenda and I suspect that much (if not all) of the information (or at least those things that he is saying which are truly 100 percent accurate but I won't get into that) which he is providing on this video was probably obtained from sources he researched via the internet and not from possessing any real world familiarity with this area.

    I worked up in the Roaring Valley for years coming from both the Front Range and the Western Slope ends of Colorado and have been fascinated (and sometimes disgusted) with the Aspen/Vail area ever since I first visited those areas. In other words, I can honestly say that I have something of a general understanding of what goes on up there. While it is unfortunate that at some point in the past there was a push to expell said migrants out of the Aspen area, I can say from experience that nowadays these two groups have found a coexistence that both groups (the mostly Hispanic migrant workers and the ultra-wealthy that they serve) have learned to mutually benefit from.

    Also, everybody up there knows that you'll probably have to end up residing in New Castle/Silt/Rifle/Gypsum if you wish to be a blue collar worker living in this region. I really am unsure what this guy's motives are for making this video and what he wishes to accomplish by posting it.

  13. 40 year local laborer . Now retired and pushed out , what I miss most is No Litter . Also, in the bubble crime compared to the real world almost non existent. The real world seems dirty and dangerous.


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