Asmongold Reacts to "Thoughts on Lost Ark After 30+ Hours" by CohhCarnage

Asmongold watches CohhCarnage’s Thoughts On Lost Ark (30 Hours+ In) and discusses the most important aspects the new MMO Lost Ark: Pay-to-Win, Gameplay, Balancing and Player Experience.

Original Video:

CohhCarnage’s Thoughts On Lost Ark (30+ Hours In)

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48 thoughts on “Asmongold Reacts to "Thoughts on Lost Ark After 30+ Hours" by CohhCarnage”

  1. Played it. Enjoyed the combat and gearing. Few things that stick in my craw. 1. Genderlocking advanced classes. Never been a fan of that. In fact, currently you cannot make a female warrior, male mage or male assassin. 2. Wafer thin cosmetic system. Paid skins are a thing but you cannot visually overlay (transmog) any of your gear using any of the leveling armor. I know more skins are coming, but the current lineup is sparse.

  2. I don't get why the game even has pay to progress elements, just sell cosmetics, it's been proven time and time again that if you make a game that a lot of people play then sell cool looking cosmetics you will make TONS of money.

    games like, league of legends, fortnite, warzone have all proven this. You just don't need p2w elements.

  3. It's free so I'm gonna try it, but spending money won't happen. But I'm not a dumbass, it's not a grey area, it's 100% pay to win because you use money and get it all done in 1/1000th of the time. Only an idiot don't see that as pay to win. Let's be honest, who the fuck will play this game after 2-3-4 months, which invalidates any claim that it's not pay to win.

  4. It's not pay to win however, you don't win anything. Sorry asmond, you be wrong. Only idiots be dropping 500+ dollars to progress in a game where the progression gets you nothing. Also confirmed death blade is OP so beserk is trash confirmed also. They didn't pay you because you have 40k subs and 200k viewers on twitch lol, hopefully you were being sarcastic about money

  5. Heres the conclusion I came too. You can make this the only game you play and dedicate all your time to grinding mats to spend on gear upgrades that's rng and you'll never reach the max upgrade. Or you can waste thousands of dollars on mats that you'll spend on gear upgrades that is rng and you might reach the max upgrade depending on how big your wallet is.

    I'm leaning on option 3 and not play the game but idk the gameplay is fun so it's a hard choice.

  6. Im item level 480. but i have completely stopped progressing in the game because of Amazons incompetence and my servers overpopulation making dungeons not working. -haven't worked for 4 days now.

  7. The thing is all these "phone" p2w mechanic don't event come from phone games.. That shit starting in game like this and has always being this way. This why p2w has always being associate with Asian game and specially with Korean ones… I don't see how people think that this economy mode started with smartphone games.

    Just one example…. Dungeon Fighter is from 2005!! and the Nokia N95 one of the best early Smartphone is from 2007….

  8. My main gripe is that you can’t share quests and go through the game with your friends. I feel like there are people everywhere but it’s mostly a solo experience.

  9. I understand in BDO p2w can be a problem bcs the games pvp is also gear based but i dont understand how is it a problem for people in LA. PvP is completely balanced and if someone wants to pay to progress faster then so be it how does it affect u they play completely different content anyways its not like they come oneshot your guardian winnie pooh and ruin your experience of the game.

  10. I reckon WoW's slow car crash has been the making of you Asmon. I wasn't a believer in the past, due mainly to my post-Cataclysm antipathy. But even as an old(er) girl gamer and so firmly outside your usual target demographic I can now see the bright light hidden under that goofy bushel. One of my first destinations when Elden Ring launches, that's a dead cert. As for Lost Ark, my take is that it's a typically convoluted FTP theme park MMO stuffed full of ridiculously punitive mobile gaming money traps, but there's a whole heap to do for nothing, the combat is fantastically kinetic and satisfying and it's very perty. I doubt it's a keeper for me but it will be for folk who like BDS, Tera etc. So no harm, no foul.

  11. booring game bought founders pack 100usd actually 2 of them + got 1 for free lol and already deleted this mobile game without auto run/questing function xD rather play osrs or new world

  12. strong hold energy is…. not even mobile game.. card energy ? you mean experience ? never heard of energy. its still hardly pay to win.. the "progress" ppl can make is very low and pointless when we dont have the actual content the korean version has.

  13. Asmon.. you do not understand why other people enjoy other classes because you need to broaden your horizon. You are sitting in your stupid little box, very comfortable too afraid to step out and see the whole gaming genre for what it is… best you do is sometimes visit another box… grow some character and wisdom.

  14. Ngl, I tried liking lost ark, but it is boring asf. Diablo 2 Resurrected is way better. LA is way too easy, too many systems on top of each other. I played for maybe 10 hours. Instantly knew it was inferior to D2R

  15. You see… its @ 11:30, that this dude states why i dont think Lost Ark is "PaY-tO-wIn"
    aside from cosmetics, spending money to progress faster is NOT paying to win, its "paying-to-speed-up-my-progression-because-im-a-little-bitch".

  16. I like Asmon for the same reasons I like Mark (eg: pausing the video to say he's not gonna pause the video to talk about something), but I dislike the same things I dislike from Mark (getting angry for no sponsorship, insisting his way to play the game is the best there is even if joking).


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