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Streamed on December 18th 2022

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Artist: Thorneofroses on ETSY:

#ffxiv #endwalker #reaction #tuleal #funny


10 thoughts on “As the HEAVENS BURN!!”

  1. It amazes me when I hear that people didn't like Zenos in Stormblood. Dude's been my #2 fave villain after Emet. The fact that he kept pushing Ala Mhigo and Doma closer and closer to the edge for the sole purpose of eventually getting a fight worth dying for is so insane and I fucking love it.

  2. Aha, Catboy Tuleal Returns!

    15:50 Fun fact, in Trusts, if Alisaie gets an LB2, she actually uses that Vermillion Pledge Limit Break in Endwalker dungeons instead of the standard caster LB2.

    I will say, there will be one more duty I strongly suspect people will want you to do with Trusts, because it is very unique, but for a very different reason. But, we shall see!

  3. Wife playing soon hype!

    Verdant's wife playing update as requested: She went from playing about 30-45 min a day to playing from Haukke Manor to Ultima Weapon in 3 days!! She has intense healer anxiety, but is enjoying the story in ARR a lot already. She's still 100% convinced that Thancred dies in ARR lol

    Hope your wife ends up liking the game as well, when chat inevitably gets to the goal!

  4. Zenos is in so many ways a mirror of others. He's the WoL's dark reflection, the glass half full to Fandaniel's half empty. He was okay in StB, but he really came into his own during EW.

  5. I'm going to fire off my "stab in the dark" theory on Tuleal. Based solely on your responses to characters and events in game, I'm going to say you don't have kids and probably don't like your dad.

    I say that because, as a father, I understand the actions and mindsets of both Thancred and Forchenault better than others. Other fathers I know that play also say the same or similar. It might seem harsh and asshole-ish from the outside looking in, but when you've been in that "protector of the young'uns" mindset, it makes sense to you.

  6. I've started to feel a bit better about the character of Zenos ever since I've figured the following.

    Emet-Selch (and as penultimate enemy Elidibus) was a foil to the WoL. Our WoL is the hero of our story, they were the hero of their stories. They put a mirror to our characters face.
    Zenos is more of a foil to the player. While I cannot speak for everyone, I do believe FF is a game that attracts the kind of people who are more interested in the story aspect of the RPG. Zenos is more the "I've spent all yesterday grinding levels, this cave is boring. How many floors until I can finally fight the boss here. Come on, give me a challenge already… blablabla SKIP…" kind of player. The only thing he's interested in is going straight into endgame and doing ultimates and we are his ultimate.

    And on some level, that made him a better character to me in retrospect.


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