Battle of the Pyramids. Bonaparte in Egypt #3

The Battle of the Pyramids (21 July 1798), was a significant battle fought during Napoleon’s Campaign in Egypt . On a battlefield 15 km (9 mi) away from the Great Pyramid of Giza, Napoleon Bonaparte’s French army won a major victory over a larger Mamluk force, allowing the French to occupy Cairo three days later.
Among the sources we have used are the following:
«The Campaigns of Napoleon» (David Chandler)
«Napoléon Bonaparte Correspondance générale»
Bonaparte in Egypt – J. Christopher Herold


15 thoughts on “Battle of the Pyramids. Bonaparte in Egypt #3”

  1. Yeah, the weather and climate were perhaps a greater danger than actual combat with the enemy. European tactics by despised ferengis ( islamic name for foreigners) proved its superiority. Not saying those warriors were completely worthless. Mamluks quite suitable for partisans raids. And Turks were fierce fighters during the sieges as Russo Turkish wars proved numerous times.

  2. "40 centuries looking at you ". A legendary phrase for sure. Bonaparte wasn't a telepath, the science of Egyptology still yet to born and prove to be a most lasting legacy of that campaign. But let's no run ahead. I think the author would say something similar in the end of the series.

  3. Please no AI Art it looks so bad because the uniform don't look accurate and in takes me out of the amazing time period also because it doesn't look natural and out of place!

  4. While Napoleon was busy smashing mamluk cavalry in Egypt, Josephine was busy cheating in France. I wonder what could have been if Napoleon was married into a more loyal, yet equally smart and fertile woman.


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