ArmA 3 PvP in 2023 – JMSDF & RAN vs PLAN – TvT – 1 Life Event – Paracel Storm – OFCRA – Milsim

South China Sea, 2028
Taiwan is isolated. A Chinese fleet have set up a blockade around the island nation. They search every ship that wishes to pass the blockade. Mostly looking for microchips shipped from Taiwan. Meanwhile, a taskforce from Australia has set sail towards the South China Sea. With as the goal to take the Chinese man-made island. On their journey, the Australian were joined by a detachment of JMSDF marines. When this taskforce closed in on its first target, a small island group. It encounters their Chinese counterpart. The missiles flew and the CIWS flew through the sky, both sides taking heavy losses. Until a giant typhoon hit both sides and forced them to take cover around the largest island. Some ships even had to be beached. When the storm finally settled, both sides found themselves on the opposite side of the island. Now they will have to fight for the control of it

Bluefor Objectives:
Capture the Radar[2pts]
Capture the Windmill Park[2pts]
Capture Checkpoint Alpha[2pts]
Capture get to the LZ[2pts]
Supremacy – Less than 5 REDFOR alive (4 pts)
Squad on what schip
ship 1: A, H and B ship 2: C, F and G ship 3: E and D

Redfor Objectives:
Capture the Radar[2pts]
Capture the Windmill Park[2pts]
Capture Checkpoint Alpha[2pts]
Capture get to the LZ[2pts]
Supremacy – Less than 5 BLUEFOR alive (4 pts)
Squad on what ship: ship 1: A, B and G, ship 2 E and H ship 3 F, D and C

#pvp #arma3pvp #arma3tvt


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