Arguing AGAINST Dr Berry's Carnivore Diet (FULL VIDEO)

Dr. Ken Berry has been a transformative figure in promoting the proper human diet, profoundly impacting countless individuals. However, as the carnivore diet gains popularity, it’s increasingly met with skepticism and criticism. Detractors cite numerous reasons, claiming it’s detrimental to one’s health, which can lead to second-guessing among its followers. In this video, we’ll delve into the major arguments against the carnivore diet and explore Dr. Berry’s responses to these critiques, providing a comprehensive overview of the debate.


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27 thoughts on “Arguing AGAINST Dr Berry's Carnivore Diet (FULL VIDEO)”

  1. This is wonderful Kerry 🤗 I love the part at the end where Dr Berry talks about how far you've come from depressed and hopeless to now aiming to help people around the world to find healing. It's amazing.

    I'm a watcher of Bill Nott's channel. I watch every second of septic tank pumping or whatever he's doing 😂

    I just love seeing people share their progress and find healing 💖

  2. ☝🏻Love you bro but dang I hate the time wasting “coming up” segments. This isn’t survivor or whatever people watch these days. Why waste my time with “coming up.” Just get to it and give me the meat 😁. We’re busy and many things compete for our time.

  3. Now if we want to cover the arguments against carnivore, here's one: There was a statement once that only eating meat can eventually lead to osteoporosis. Like that, for your stomach to digest meat, it has to become more acidic, so then it takes from your bones. Yeah, the guy said it was basic chemistry.

  4. I have to disagree slightly, there are some elements of conspiracy. Some of the most influential institutions in the pseudoscientific fields of nutrition and dietetics are explicitly controlled by a religion that holds eating meat as sinful. The sugar industry has been buying researchers and politicians for decades. It’s not all a giant conspiracy by any means, but it’s not all so benign as fibs along the chain.

  5. Without even diving into medical too deeply… Vegans and their follow up generations generally have more health and mental deficiency. I'd imagine if those deficiencies carried down a few generations they'd eventually be unable to produce offspring since their bodies are not nourished enough to maintain themselves. We've had vegans die of malnutrition. I've yet to see a picture or a story of a carnivore on that same path. It's clear, at the very least, that fruits and vegetables and nuts/seeds are not remotely enough to properly sustain good health and fitness. If you need to buy a bunch of supplements to sustain balance, your diet is absolutely wrong. And it's not just vegans, people that heavily rely on/partake in processed foods may have more physical weight, but they are unhealthy too. If they have to artificially fill your foods with supplements/vitamins that food is not really that great to begin with. If with all this knowledge we still think meat is the devil I'd sooner say people are brainwashed. The evidence is self apparent, if people would just allow themselves to see past the crap they've been fed… What would it hurt, at this point, to try if everything else is showing such poor results.

  6. Awesome Interview. Yes, the ripple effect is REAL. I did a test last night by drinking a small cup of coffee with heavy cream and 1 teaspoon cane sugar. I woke up in the middle of the night with wicked awful shin cramps in both legs. I was literally paralyzed in my bed, but somehow managed to climb out as I repeated "help me Jesus!" I could not stand upright and had to hunch over a bench in my room and breathe like I was in labor because the pain was that intense. Sugar is the devil! 🤣

  7. 1:28 this is unhelpful. It is a reality for many people that food is their only pleasure in life. Not everyone is a doctor or owns a homestead, a lot are slave labour in dead end jobs unable to escape- this is what society does to a lot of people. It’s set up to keep them that way so there’s always someone at the shop stacking shelves for the rest of us.

  8. Oh yes! To add my accolades, I am 67 years old & have lost 83 pounds on the carnivore diet, I am walking 6 days a week for 30 minutes and am working out with weights 4 days/week. What a contrast to my life before carnivore – overweight, sluggish, inflamed joints & depressed….. My wife has said that I have a 2nd lease on life & she is absolutely correct. Thank You Dr Berry & Thank You Kerry!!!

  9. love, love, love, LOVE! @KenDBerryMD and Kerry @HealingHumanity… outstanding rapid-fire bullet point to help me with the willfully recalcitrant carb addicts whom I love very much but ask all these miserable questions. After Christ the King, @KenDBerryMD has made me joyful and whole. Blessings and wonders abound! Happy Lenten season!

  10. Would love to see you do interviews in your "walk and talk" format. You r more relaxed when ur in nature and u just Shine! I've seen how nature energizes and inspires u to be your best self. Love your work and admire your dedication.

  11. For those that "don't" know or are curious about fiber, beyond a solo simplistic question & answer, follow-up with "Ok, so humans don't need fiber for a functioning digestive track, but what about the non-human gut invaders that live inside us? What happens when we take away their candy?"

  12. I'm on day 6 of the carnivore lifestyle and yes it was Dr Berry that convinced me to start. I'm 56 yrs old, 5.9ft and was 215lbs, today I am 209lbs and hopefully soon starting to feel better with less inflammation! Thanks Dr. Berry!

  13. Kerry & Dr B in the same room at last, with Adam filming the convo..? Love it!
    "Healing Humanity, The Movie" is going to be outstanding.
    Kerry – Just a suggestion –
    Please add the links to your & Adam's own channels in the description, for the people who find this video because of Dr Berry's name in the title but they don't know about you guys (yet…) You both have a lot of valuable information in your own videos, and the live sessions you guys both do are entertaining and educational as well. People need to know about as many carnivore channels as possible, and we know YT isn't great at spreading the carnivore love…

  14. Dr Berry is aging backwards! I really love all he stands for! My life is getting so much better because of him and you,Kerry! People in this space keep me going on this WOE! I'm 65 and plan on going backwards in age too!


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