Are people still playing Garden Warfare 2 in 2024?

Almost exactly 2 years after the release of the first game on the 23rd of February 2016, Plants VS Zombies Garden Warfare 2 released with a lot of reviewers and fans saying it’s even better than the first game, myself included. The year is now 2024 and I’m going to be seeing if people are still playing the game!

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39 thoughts on “Are people still playing Garden Warfare 2 in 2024?”

  1. just bought this game on sale. and already have like 20 hours in it. so addicting trying to unlock all the classes and also the gameplay is fun. sucks i get hackers in like 10% of my games but it's not enough to ruin the experience. i just leave and join a different lobby.

    would definitely recommend in 2024

  2. Would anyone like to know a Fun fact, i remember playing GW2 Beta and i remember the Rose would be making way too much noise, and i remember asking Popcap on Facebook if they can turn it down a notch because she was annoying to hear while playing as her

  3. Why does everyone keep saying this game is abandoned? i have been playing for like 10 hours now and every server is jamming, even the coop is populated, and Steamcharts shows 1000+ players for the last year straight. The game is very much alive in comparison to many of my other childhood favorites like Battlefield 3 — where you cannot even find a populated server of >10+ people.


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