AQUATICO – Post Apocalyptic Sandbox Undersea Colony Builder

AQUATICO gameplay with Splattercat! Let’s Play Aquatico and check out a game where you’ll build a base under the sea and attempt to avoid getting wrecked by the tides and natural disasters.

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42 thoughts on “AQUATICO – Post Apocalyptic Sandbox Undersea Colony Builder”

  1. Good call on the orca experience, I'm all for having a good time but rolling the dice on the oceans premier apex predator? Hard pass. Won't find me messing with jungle cats and bears either.

  2. so you said they send you an alpha "build" but then you linked to a demo download at Steam? oh never mind you just kinda answered it.. so there is no current demo i reckon at the moment.. do people agree?

  3. Actually human climate change is causing the temperature of the ocean to raise by 3 degrees in the next 50 years, so its actually very sensitive to minor changes in the atmosphere .. But you know this, geologist boy

  4. ahhh it bothers me when devs are kinda careless with common sense regarding this scenarios.. its almost kinda lazy to have $$$ in this game, when it is obvious it would no longer exist or even be needed.. At most maybe some gold traded by right wing Doomsday preppers from the topside, but even so, your underwater colonists would not have a need for gold for any reason i can think of.. soo.. cmon devs get creative

  5. Man the Frostpunk clones are really palette swapping hard: "post-apocalyptic colony manager" + "X". I would love to see a colony manager that doesn't start out with "build gathering post." I don't even play video games any more and it's fun watching this channel just for the meta.

  6. Seems like the design of this game could have expanded the pipe system so that you choose what travels along the connectors. So you could have Pipes for all liquids and gases, Wiring for high voltage electricity, People Tubes, and Goods Tubes. The more of them you combine the less resources they individually require, but when any one of the breaks down then it can cause that whole section of connector to go offline until it's fixed (depending on the combo).
    Something a little extra to add a bit of traffic design to this colony sim.

  7. its more like a lack of the sun heating the water but currents can carry warmed water through the ocean, but that amount of water would suck the heat out of such currents so fast that warm water wouldnt travel very far as warm water. I could be wrong though.

  8. Thanks so much for test playing our game! 🙂 Soon there will be a Demo Fest on Steam from 03.-10.10. and then all of you can try out this game for yourself and if you like it wishlist it too! 🙂 Feel free to join in on the fun! 🙂

  9. Bet your cat is trying to mess up your computer 😁
    freezing temperatures currents are a real thing, moving water takes a lot lower temperature to freeze that's why lakes and ponds freeze first before rivers and streams do
    Totally agree on the arrows I didn't know they were there until SplatterCat pointed it out

  10. First thing loading into the game and instantly there is a problem. Having colour-coded areas like that is not good. I struggled to tell some of the colours apart, and struggled matching the colours on the key with those on the terrain.


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