Surviving a gunshot to the HEAD, Meet Lil Gus Gus – Stray Rescue of St.Louis

Helping Lil Gus Gus
When you work in rescue, you don’t sleep very much.

As empathetic animal lovers, we do our best to save as many as possible. Their sweet little faces haunt our dreams.

This is the face Cassady woke up to last night. This dog was shot in the head somewhere down south. “Can you help him? The bullet went through his head but he’s going to live if we can get him help. He’s such a sweet boy. I know I ask you all the time, but you’re the only one that says yes time after time.”

Cassady stared at the photos. She noticed how skinny he was. He’s also covered in fleas, has bad skin, and his teeth are filed down. This dog has been in a living nightmare, unable to escape the pain or pests on his own….continue reading:


20 thoughts on “Surviving a gunshot to the HEAD, Meet Lil Gus Gus – Stray Rescue of St.Louis”

  1. Such a sweet face and what a sweet disposition. Lovely boy Gus❤❤. You will get better and find the best home ever, you deserve it!! Just became a monthly donor, hoping even my small donation will help lovely, sweet boys like Gus🐕🐕🐕🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️❤️. Love from Canada 🇨🇦 🇨🇦🇨🇦

  2. It just goes to show how horrible some of the human race are to do this to a poor innocent sweet boy. I hope he makes it, and finds someone that will give him his best life ever. Thank you for all you do for these innocent souls x

  3. My first thought was "who would do that?" and my next thought was "my dad". My dad is dead, but he used to make me call out our pets so he could shoot them for whatever reason he had in his head. That wasn't even the worst he did, but it did scar me for life. So, it was a moron with control issues who shot that beautiful dog. I hope that person ends up in prison or dead before they can hurt someone else. At least now that beautiful dog is in a safe place!


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