Aperture Gaming A BOSS Review Airborne Kingdom

Greetings fellow test subjects,
Test Subject 1337 here for Aperture Gaming. They make it, we test it, you play it.
It’s time to Blow Off Some Steam with A BOSS REVIEW. This is my second BOSS review, so I’m going to bend the rules a little bit, because I found, got, and played the game for the Nintendo Switch, but i’s also on the Steam service.

Airborne Kingdom Came out at the end of 2020. It’s a city / resource management sim game. While doing research, I discovered it will have a sequel out next year.

The game is fun, and while the graphics are not the best, it was a lot better then the surprising disappointment from THE GAME WE DO NOT SPEAK OF! It also had a slight lag in the creation process as your city gets bigger, but I can’t tell if that’s the game or the system.

Even with the two small issues, I give this game a solid 10 out of 10.


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