AOWdu 110.1 Thousand Sons Codex Retrospective

This week we return to some good old retrospective reviews with the Thousand Sons getting their turn.
Adam is once again joined by Liam Hackett who was on for the original codex review. We have a pretty great time reminicing about how much we got wrong, got right and just how much depth there is to this codex!
It’s pretty well placed currently and Tsons players can leverage a lot of spice in the current meta, let’s hope we can all hold it together over the next few months with Votann on the horizon……

Art of War – The Competitive 40k Network
Episode 313
September 13, 2022

★ Episode details:
★ Additional episodes:


8 thoughts on “AOWdu 110.1 Thousand Sons Codex Retrospective”

  1. Unholy Susurrus only allows you to switch to a psychic power that the unit has access to – by running the AoR I think you lose access to the Discipline of Vengeance when building your army so I would imagine you don't regain access to it once the game begins. Altho this will never come up, because Tzaangor are bad and being forced to run more of them than Rubrics is just awful.

    I could be wrong and I've had this discussion with a lot of people and have gotten different answers, but I'm not entirely sure that you can you the Warp Sight Cabalistic Ritual on Smite (I don't think you can in fact). Warp Sight says, "If the psychic power requires you to select a unit visible to the Psyker…" and Smite and Doombolt just target the nearest, visible enemy unit. In one interpretation you aren't "selecting" the unit you smite. As opposed to say Gaze of Hate, which clearly states, "select one enemy unit… and visible."

    There was that interesting Magnus list with the Aetherstride DP, IM, and Ahriman with 20 Terminators that lost to Nick on WarGames Live when 9th Ed. Tyrranids and Hail of Doom Eldar were the most played lists. I think he was 5-0 until he ran into Nick, but I think he finished that tournament 5-2. And he probably could have done better if he hadn't ran into Nick who clearly knew what to do, bc he just cheesed Magnus to death with Fire and Fade behind Obscuring.

    We are slowly seeing a shift away from the 5 man Spawn units, because people just want more Psykers. Single Spawns are still wildly popular tho, because they can still perform actions and Tsons hate getting into combat. Flamers are seeing a resurgence as people are realizing that threatening Overwatch is an important part of this armies identity and a lot of people are mixing them with Soul Reaper Cannon, which may seem unintuitive, but Infernal Boltguns are nothing to write home about anyway and Flamers are only 3 points a pop so.

  2. So far the access to powers for the army of renown. As someone who plays armies of renown a lot the check against your army to make sure its valid for the army of renown is it they start of the game before turn one and then never again. So RAW you can use the strategem at the start of turn 1 to get the power. I'd wtill check but you should.


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