Anvil Saga (2022) – Sandbox Medieval Blacksmith Shop RPG

Anvil Saga Gameplay with Splat! Let’s Play Anvil Saga and check out a game where you’ll run your own blacksmith shop, defend it from raiders, and balance powerful factions favor with your work.

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32 thoughts on “Anvil Saga (2022) – Sandbox Medieval Blacksmith Shop RPG”

  1. So as a quick followup : A few things to consider before buying that have become clear now that I've beaten all the current content : There are bugs on this early access that won't show up til like 3-4 hours in. Also the content is roughly 5 hours long in the current early access build. This is one of those cases where I think 30 minutes wasn't enough for me to get you guys fully informed, but those two things I think ended up being important enough for consideration that I added this pinned message. So bear those two things in mind before you decide whether or not the early access is for you.

  2. Anvil Saga Demo was released as early access and the dev is banning everybody who asks them about their previous projects. The Game is buggy as hell, and has not more content than the demo.
    The gameplay is pale, and the mechanic is not challenging. Honestly it plays like an Idle game.

    Dev is trying to hide his abandoned other projects. Life is Hard was a cash grab, and has been abandoned for years. Furthermore, INDEF was successfully funded, yet the dev ran away with the cash. Wolf Simulator was succsesfully funded, yet the dev again ran away with the money.

    This dev seems like a scammer. The past projects all were abandoned and money was gone. The devs also spams Kickstarter users to fund their new games. They abuse banning mechanics on Steam. And ban everybody on discord who asks them the legitimate question, why we should trust them, that this project is different.

    Stay the hell away from this. Wait 1 Year and see if this game got new content etc. Do not buy this in early access, there is a high chance dev runs away with your money, judging from his previous projects.

  3. Kind of game that made me wish they could pull off a really good THE GUILD game. Always loved the idea of a deeper "The Sims Medieval", but they are always so buggy and kinda broken.

  4. I somehow landed on the Potion Permit video and then on this.
    They both tickle my fancy very, very much. The lovely sprite work and the crafting. I'll snatch them as soon as they go full release. Thank you!

  5. Wtf, so you just gain random traits from time to time that is not even related to how you play? And you must abide by them? Like, you don't just go and refuse making tools of war a lot of times to gain a pacifist trait, it just happens by luck out of nowhere. You might be selling weapons for days, and then one day, you can just out of nowhere get such trait out of lottery? Who thought this was a good idea?

    Not to mention, it doesn't even make sense in how it works. So a pacifist blacksmith who refuses to make weapons and armor gets a new apprentice, and that apprentice somehow can make these items? If the master blacksmith is a pacifist and obviously has little to no practice in making such items of war since he simply refuses to do so, how did he even teach his apprentice? And even if he magically has the skills to make tools of war without even having made any such items because of his pacifistic refusal, why would he teach his apprentice? He is a pacifist, obviously he would want his apprentice to follow in his steps, why would he want tools of war being made in his workshop? So he can differentiate business from personal feelings, but not really as he refuses to do so himself? Huh? Wtf kind of contradiction is that shit? And then even more nonsense, he can even accept orders for items of war while refusing to produce them. Like wtf? How does any of this make sense? Really, who thought this was a good idea?


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