Anti-Tank Veteran Recalls The Final Days Of The War | Remember WWII with Rishi Sharma

Leonard E. Dahl recalls the closing days of the war, the action he saw in the Pacific, and how the first few weeks of peacetime …


20 thoughts on “Anti-Tank Veteran Recalls The Final Days Of The War | Remember WWII with Rishi Sharma”

  1. I have a great idea! Get 10 or 20 of these guys to be the congress of the USA elect 1 or 2 experts in policy to advise them. (coz im sure they have the best BS sensors ) & the world would be a very different place

  2. Great interview. I agree with Mr. Dahl about the Indian situation out there. I go through those places in ND and think: "We pushed these poor people out here? There's nothing out here – how can a community even survive out here?"


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