Another Slow Year Ahead for Star Citizen Progress

The new Letter from the Chairman, Chris Roberts, indicates that 2023 will likely be yet another slow year for Star Citizen’s progress. I’ll break down the letter in this video, and discuss what it means for the whole year’s outlook.

0:00 Introduction
1:13 Letter Summary
6:57 3.18 and Beyond
10:53 When?
13:24 Another Slow Year

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34 thoughts on “Another Slow Year Ahead for Star Citizen Progress”

  1. Ya, S42 is oinking all the dev time. It worries me that CIG is designing a MMO game as a single player first. History has shown us that this never goes well for the MP potion of the game… Sigh. ♥

  2. Chris should step down and let someone who can get things done take over. You could pull just about any PM out of a company and they’d have a game done by now, given the time and money.
    All Chris ever does is talk about how important it is that people keep giving him money, and talk about how great server meshing would be if they could build it. Yeah Chris, and Peripheral-like VR would be cool, but why don’t we stay grounded in reality? The reality is Chris is a hack, good at hype, piss poor at delivery.

  3. That new account retention rate is likely skewed by the popularity of using a second account to spend $40, get a referrer credit (or bonus ship, like currently), then gift whatever you bought back to your main and abandon the new account. I've no idea how many people do this, but I've seen it mentioned many times.

  4. Am I wrong, or wasn't everything in 3.17.2 just stuff that was supposed to be in 3.17 that didn't make it? That is why it wasn't a different dot patch.

  5. I bought the game yesterday but i cant download it cause it keeps crushing….i sent a request at least to get my money back spend 60 euros on this and i can't even download the game…

  6. My optimism for server meshing was destroyed years ago. So much that I made a prediction for 4.0 this year only because I forgot about SM. However, there are so many features that only lack availability due to the lack of SM, once SM is released it is going to be an explosion of new content. I just hope I live long enough to enjoy it. I'm also ok if they just scrap SQ42 and focus solely on SC.

  7. The problem is they're building a game on a structure on an engine, and as the engine and game have filled in, all that's left is really to populate it with assets. I've been following the singleplayer development/S42 updates, and the shit they've described is revolutionary- but not fit to demonstrate. Once they have those things hammered out, as they've continually been demonstrating they are working on behind the scenes, it's going to be a snowball of impressive visual feats. I mean, the visuals and assets are the least important thing, and yet they can throw together stuff like Orison.

    I'm hyped.

  8. I quit playing long time ago. When a new major patch is on, I came back and fly a little but is the same boring universe. I feel like I already do everything. This is the only Star Citizen channel I follow because is SO d4mn good.

  9. I just want honesty and them to be upfront about the delays, the reasons behind them and their current monthly timescale.
    Ideally, I want to see CIG's progress report detailing all their progress as well as their delays & the honest reasons behind them (not just blaming covid AGAIN, even though at least for the Manchester studio (the largest one), they haven't really had to deal with covid much as the last real peak was March 2021 and everything has been back to normal for most of the country for a year and a half now).
    Then I would like to see the project planning report for the future of the game with the remaining tasks, their time estimates and the steps CIG are taking (if any) to reduce the likelihood of any further delays. I appreciate only getting Chris's asperations, for what he'd like to happen without anything to back that up with.

    To be clear, I don't mind delays. I do mind companies being deliberately deceptive about forecasts and waiting with minimal updates and no confidence in any of their timescales.

  10. 14:50 – That seems to have been the point. The way I see it they really need to finish and get SC42 out of the way before the PU can flourish, and it just so happens to be that they require lots of the same assets. SC42 isn't supposed to help the Sc timeline, its just a blocker with shared tasks.

  11. "It's gonna be a slow year."

    Just like this year was. And the last… and the last… how much slower can development get until it's effectively at a halt? And we're supposed to believe most dev resources are going to SQ42 when CIG has shown jack all in terms of SQ42 progress over the past several years? Guess I'll not be reinstalling for another year.

  12. It feels so strange having some many core mechanics being reworked/worked on for SC while they say they are completely invested in SQ42. Like, I can understand how the persistence universe is more for a mmo game, but the fact that we have a flight/combat rework and, ummm, isn't this supposed to be what SQ42 is all about?

    They could show us a new trailer for SQ42, new gameplay with everything working, something to chase besides tales of times to come. It would give me some ease of mind to see what the largest part of the team is working on.

  13. For the sweet love of fuck, stop making videos about this game. You put out a video, and then shortly after every single website covering this game takes your word as gospel and about two dozen articles come out a week later shitdogging this game and turning people away and stirring up the storm again about how it's a scam and it's just people selling jpegs for $600.

    Morph, please, you gotta listen to me…. enjoy this game at your own leisure and pace, but for the love of god, stop making videos about it.

  14. So, I don't actually know what is going on with Chris Robert's company, just like no one else knows anything.. but I can tell you what I suspect.

    What I suspect is that Robert's has figured out how to sell something that isn't finished.. and get people hyped up about it. So.. with this input from the market my guess is that actually having a feature complete release is just not a priority with this company.

    I'm not saying everyone that bought the game is a fool. not at all. We all decide what we value.. and if you spent money and like what you got.. you got a good deal!. BUT: with so many paying tons of money for an unfinished game, where is the incentive to Roberts to ACTUALLY finish it? Once you've spent your money, it is gone. That money can't be used for anything else. And no matter how much you complain (assuming you don't like what you got), it was still you that spent your money. For those that have no complaints.. have a great time! Glad ya love it! But for those that complain.. you were the one that spent your money on something you KNEW wasn't finished.. and complaining about it after the fact doesn't change what YOU did, nor change the fact that you are de-incentivizing the production of a complete game.

    To me.. most everything can be reduced to incentives. Just think about that. Money in your pocket is only an incentive BEFORE you spend it, not after.

    Just my 2 cents.

  15. Love your dulcet tones, Morph!

    Everytime I hear about "server meshing" – first and foremost – I feel like it's…a very elaborate boondoggle. I don't think it was intended to be, but that's what it is. After watching this project for 8 years, and believe me, I WANT it to succeed, I don't think "Server Meshing" will ever do what they want to, or say, it's going to do, unless the plan is just to wait for another ten years, for when computing power catches up to the data expectations.

    So far, they are basically capable (sort of) of matching what MMOs were doing 20 years ago.

    They should have just done what everyone else does, and have locations based on servers (which is to say, put a planet or city on a single server), and hide the load times of new areas behind things like quantum gates, and, in the case of landing on planets, by doing automated landing onto the surface. A simple, seamless solution, which would have had us playing the beta by now.

    Or, taken their original idea of using someone else's engine, so they could have focused on content. Thank God that Projekt Red has taken that approach, after having learned their lesson on CP2077.

    This whole idea (and the legions of fans SOOO very impressed with it) of "creating the new technology" is such a gargantuan waste of funds that should be spent on those dozens, or hundreds, of planets they'd initially promised. At this point, when is "exploration" ever going to mean anything in this game, which, at least in my case, is the single most enjoyable aspect?

  16. Love the alpha, the vision is on another level but the leadership has been consistently disappointing, with mixed priorities (SQ42 etc), failed promises (again) and just new unannounced features rather than filling out the game and developing the universe. Tired of it and have uninstalled the game. Maybe 2024 will yield something other than another record profits from ship sales, but I doubt it. A dozen years of failing to deliver on expectations, why should I believe it to be any different next year?


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