ANOTHER DELAY? is NEW WORLD Ready For Release?

Will Amazon’s NEW WORLD MMO get another delay? Is it ready for release? Lets chat!
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0:00 Will New World Get delayed again?

1:27 Developer Update News Post
5:05 Issues & bugs
13:15 What they’re NAILING
16:38 but is it FUN?
#PlayNewWorld #NewWorldMMO #MMORPG


39 thoughts on “ANOTHER DELAY? is NEW WORLD Ready For Release?”

  1. With how many ppl are playing it and the buzz generated around it no way they will delay. They will grind till the Last minuts and solve the main issues and just release. The game is fun so just let it out.

  2. Man you make me excited to play this. I purchased the game but avoided playing because I was worried about having a graphics card melt down. Any recommended settings for a rx6800 msi?

  3. except they made it a bonus when they gave it as a preorder bonus, like it's for both, ideally, but shouting about servers etc during a beta is just absurd since as you say thta's the main point of the beta. if they went for realism in the 50 vs 50 they got it lmfao.for the stagger just do diminishing returns so getting hit by more than one attack at once doesn;t stunlock you

  4. Comment for the algorithm
    I kinda don't feel it with new world dont know why
    I dont feel engaged in the the story world feels empty and generic am i the only one that thinks that way?

  5. Game needs another 6 months to a year before it's ready. It has loads of potential — character skills, development and crafting systems are all really good but combat needs a lot of work. Also questing in the game is boring and repetitive but I get it, the game wasn't originally designed to be PvE focused. Now they've decided to slap on some PvE content within the past year just to appease that audience. Well, it's poorly implemented and people are exploiting it to gain levels quicker. Also, it would be nice to see more PvP content added at earlier levels. Outpost Rush is really cool and it would be nice to be able to que for this earlier than level 60. All in all though I had a great time playing the beta and look forward to seeing how the game progresses.

  6. Hi Blunty, Really enjoy your honest and genuine take on this. Also totally agree with you about the idea that Beta doesn't mean a perfect experience. These are my definitions I go by,
    Alpha – adding game features, expect stuff to be broken…
    Beta- no more new major game features but expect lots of bugs to be ironed out…
    Release- most bugs to be fixed, probably expect some server cap or lag issues depending on the hype around the game.

    A game this big and complex is never going to be perfect I think especially at release lol

  7. As a console gamer for 20+ years I've only gotten to play a pretty limited selection of MMO's.

    DCUO – Not really for me.
    ESO – Pretty good, but not for me.

    Now with New World, I want this to be my first true MMO I really get into. I'm enjoying the game quite a bit, I'll wait as long as it takes for a great product, this game can easily be that IF they don't screw it up.

  8. Great to hear it's going well. Sounds like the devs are being pretty open and focused on the right priorities. I hope you enjoy it Blunty! I'll live my New World experience through you and maybe I'll get a chance to play one day!

  9. I am enjoying it a lot more than I was expecting to, though I'm going to need to buy a new PC sooner rather than later because my poor nine year old workhorse really can't cope with the demands of Aeternium. Not done any PvP (that's usually very much an end game thing for me) but in terms of PvE it's been a lot of fun. My experience with magic weapons was distinctly lacklustre (possibly because I diversified on stats too much) as opposed to my experience of a laser-focussed DEX build with bow and spear which has been marvellous, and surprisingly robust when mobs get into melee range. Unless they nerf bow and sear into the ground I can see me carrying that build forward post-launch.

    The main irritations for me have been Trading Post related mostly around finding gem listings without having to go around the houses, and not being able to filter items by stat (INT and FOC bows are good for salvage but I'm not going to use the things). Other than that and maybe some tweaks to gathering progression (mining and logging seem to be a great deal slower t progress than the other gathering skills) I'd say it's ready for launch.

  10. With FF14 & GW2 both having expansions coming out soon I’ll wait until finishing those before jumping in. Better to avoid the launch rush and get in after stability and content.

  11. I like NW so far. I just wish their quest design wasn't straight out of 2005.
    I have lost count of how many times an NPC had a quest chain that made me return to said NPC after every step only to be sent out again, just to go a little bit further than last time.. and then repeat that cycle three more times. It's so much pointless traveling. No wonder people call NW a walking sim.

  12. they really need to delay the game again … quests are horrible … you are better off leveling with crafting ''work orders'' than actually playing questing … they need a more streamline quest line. They need to add dynamic events as well … (Like Rift) what they got right … is the expeditions. I love them !!!!

  13. I'll play this together with GW2 =) Really good because no monthly subscriptions needed & you be active or semi-active or not play at all without wasting money. Imagine games are all subscriptions LoL. At least I can switch between these MMOs. Luv the business model for both of this MMO.

  14. a sugestion I hewrd I love… a carrage /supply caravan, system, two fold, one for travel between area's and the other is maybe a misson thng ontop of that, protect the caravan to wat ever settlement

  15. azoth and dungeon lock outs are the worst idea ive ever come across in an mmo, especially 1 with as little content as new world. if you wanna grind a certain dungeon, guess what you cant unless you have a supply of orbs(not tradable) to get in. the orb you need for the lvl 25 dungeon is pretty easy to craft but after that your gonna need to lvl your miner to lvl 105 and stone cutter to lvl 50+.When you get all the mats which is going to take 10s of hours to gather. you can only craft 1 at a time per player because theres a timer on each orb.Amazon are gonna monetize the crap out of this game and will end up being pay to win.

  16. Personally, I don't think it's ready. The world is fairly small and upon release, there will be so many people, mobs and resources will be difficult to get to. Even now, I'm seeing 2, 3 or 4 people waiting for quest mobs because the quest quantity is very limited. And speaking of quests, how can I have 2, 3 and even 4 of the exact same quest? And we do have a couple of core issues that cause character lock-up (can't use weapon), allows people to bring aggro to you while harvesting/mining so they can steal it (aggro switches to you), and everyone knows about the spawning/exp exploit (which will be difficult to correct).

    In PVP, the 50v50 thing just needs to be revamped. The way it's designed now, it's allowing everyone to dogpile and do a massive battle. On top of that, the main battle area (most of the time), allows the perfect angle for every turret to target the area. With that much AOE, you're going to get lag… this is a plague in every MMO. Redesign the 50v50 events to encourage forces to split up and attack all sides, and/or defend a side (the west wall can only defend the west wall, south wall for the south, etc).

    +10 on your comment that it's not as far behind as some other games that were released. But I still think they needs to work on some core issues first (the fixes could drastically change the game).

    With all that said, it's a fun game and I look forward to the future.


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