Animals You'll Be Happy Are Extinct

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26 thoughts on “Animals You'll Be Happy Are Extinct”

  1. The guys that pulled a gun should absolutely have gone to jail. Texas doesn't have some crazy law that you can just pull a gun on someone like that. You have to be in fear for your life or someone else's then you can stand your ground. Someone saying they're going to put a magnet on their car definitely isn't a sufficient reason to pull out a firearm. I had a repo man in my yard and he was at the wrong house and broke into the wrong car and I pulled out my rifle and held him there till the cops showed up and I almost went to jail. They said if he would of stopped 1inch off my property I would've been arrested for menacing and some other crazy charge. So both those guys should've been locked up and they should've got like a year to think about their choices. A firearm is for defending your family or your life and that's about it unless the government wants to try another civil war.

  2. One day a future species will look at humans extinction. This planet still has 4 billion years to go. To think we will claim it forever and something won’t evolve to take over this planet is ignorant.

  3. Actually summers in the Yukon can be quite pleasant !
    And the permafrost does melt there now, due to global warming !
    So, many things are turning up in the Tundra !
    However, nothing frozen in the Tundra would be alive !
    Except bacteria, or the odd virus !


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