Anders Puck Nielsen – If Russia's War Ambitions Haven't Changed are Peace Talks or Deals Meaningless

GUEST: Anders Puck Nielsen – YouTuber and military analyst.

At the beginning of November, Zaluzhnyi suggested in an interview with the Economist that Ukraine’s summer counter-offensive was stalling. “Just like in the first world war we have reached the level of technology that puts us into a stalemate,” he said, prompting a debate about whether the statement was correct. Timothy Snyder, a Yale professor, responded by arguing that war is not a game of chess, and that the quantity of resources or weaponry available to each side is not limited, as it is in a game. The west can help Kyiv by “dropping five more queens on the board” (at any time), he said – military aid that could allow Ukraine to break the deadlocked, as happened in Kherson and Kharkiv in 2022.

SPEAKER: Today I’m speaking with Anders Puck Nielsen, military analyst and influential YouTuber based in Denmark. He specialises in naval warfare and strategy; in today’s video we are going to be talking about Ukrainian successes against Russia’s Black Sea fleet and state of the ground war in Ukraine.

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Superhumans – Hospital for war traumas

UNBROKEN – Treatment. Prosthesis. Rehabilitation for Ukrainians in Ukraine

Come Back Alive

Chefs For Ukraine – World Central Kitchen

UNITED24 – An initiative of President Zelenskyy

Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation


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25 thoughts on “Anders Puck Nielsen – If Russia's War Ambitions Haven't Changed are Peace Talks or Deals Meaningless”

  1. Much appreciated discussion. It's a shame that West wasted a year waiting for the Ukraine to do a counterattack while not gearing up for a long term war. And the USA elections are approaching…

  2. The West slept for a decade and is still groggy. The Russian sphere is very petrol identified. Folks like Gerhard Schroder being Gazprom Putinists, Merkel and Obama being asleep at the wheel, and most importantly Trump being compromised enabled Russia. Trump's undercutting of NATO and Zelensky favored giving Putin a free hand in Eastern Europe. China is encouraging Putin in their implementation of the three-war plan to break US influence, targeting diverse geographic US proxies or stated interests. So, we have 1-Ukraine, 2-Israel, 3-Venezuela but with the real goal is in the CCP's back yard, threatening the first island chain from the Sea of Japan, South to the Straits of Taiwan, and down to the West Philippines Sea. Controlling Petrol Reserves and exploration, and related shipping routes play an important part in all of these geographies.

  3. Anders, These stocks of aircraft existed already, and were/are considered redundant, obsolete, slated for being mothballed. Typhoons-Euro fighters 2000, F16, F15, A10 Warthogs, from Nato, Migs in India and Egypt, F18 in Australia. The problem is a lack of clear and forceful leadership to organize resourses. The US has a Trillion $ annual DOD budget, which is not audited…the resources are there. One problem is NATO's disconnect from democratic values in favor of proxiemate National entities. NATO needs to consolidate their mission around democratic standards, as the EU has tried to promote. If Trump wins, he will break from NATO, and a EURO defense alliance must be configured. How long will that take?

  4. Any deal putin agreed to is worthless not worth the paper it's written on or the breath taken to utter it…..he's broken just about every agreement that's ever been made….even changes russian laws to benefit himself….

  5. I wish people in the West understood that the sooner we get our act together and invest in the military and support for Ukraine the better our position in any negation is and the bigger the chance for a real peace deal that is acceptable for Ukranians and the West. One that guarantees Ukrainian security and prosperity.

  6. Denmark 🇩🇰 here. As I see it, the problem is, that modern Western societies are built for times of peace. We cannot afford a war. It could ruin important infrastructure, we depend heavily upon. Our pensions, our welfare, our economic growth would be affected. So we stay away from escalation. However, sometimes war chooses you, instead of you choosing war.

  7. Anyone who thinks peace talks with a Russian dictator and war criminal would yield peace should consider adopting a crocodile as a pet. "Nice crocodile! Good boy. Let's go for a swim, shall we?"

  8. The reason russian disinformation works, in my view, is simple. It's due to the polarization we live everyday, and especially to the ghouls in power that benefit from it.

    The very government plays into this, with Biden saying that he wouldn't run if Trump were not running for example, and common people lap it up every time, 'vote blue no matter who', for instance. 'RFK is a grifter trying to hand the election to Trump'. ALMOST EVERYONE has bought into the idea that, if the other side wins, it is the end, so we end up in a race to the bottom since most people care more about standing with 'their tribe' than giving any win to the 'other tribe'. Politicians of both political parties love this, they can deliver nothing better than 'not being the other guy' and still get elected.

    The russians pushing disinformation know that, on some level, huge numbers of people in America would rather see putin win, than compromise on anything with 'the other tribe'. So their job is quite easy

  9. Because the West signed Minsk Accords with intent to subvert them, and admitted same, theres simply no reason for Russia to deal.

    This is propaganda nonsense especially claims that Kherson or Kharkov were anything but stratrgic withdrawal by Russia to allow peace deals and kill conscript Ukranians on killing ground.

  10. It is disappointing that MAGA has been captured by russian propaganda. As Anders says, the amount we're talking about is on the order of $100 per citizen, per year, which is a small price to pay to avoid fighting for russia at an average pay rate of ~$200/month. Some of the conscripts find a personalized body bag within 10 days of being mobilized. $340 billion or $1000 per person seems like many tax dollars, but this money is going almost exclusively to the american military industrial complex to replace expiring munitions and modernize their equipment. I don't know how much the Americans have committed so far, so I just multiplied US population by 1000. Americans are already spending 3 times this amount every year to upgrade their military, and the only extra cost is the transportation of outdated equipment, and they save storage costs.


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