And I wept, for there was no more Babylon to BURN – Civ 6 Khmer

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50 thoughts on “And I wept, for there was no more Babylon to BURN – Civ 6 Khmer”

  1. One game mechanic Sid Meier introduced into Alpha Centauri but never used again was "Sign a Pact to serve me."
    Basically if you conquered an enemy faction (civ) almost to the brink of death, you could either finish killing them or make them hand over all their money, tech, etc. and become your "ally" (basically puppet).
    They would be 100% loyal to you, attack your enemies, and share any research with you and you would have mutual vision on the map.
    I don't know why they didn't re-introduce that game mechanic because it was just so much more fun that simply capturing all the cities.

  2. At first i was against destroying Babylon, but then i remember all the times i had to deal with his bullshite…

    Kick his butt, Potato! And make him pay your empire expenses.

  3. I understand the thrill of having Babylon beg you for peace every turn but you could also just set peace as not acceptable and he'll never ask again iirc. Also when a civ asks you about your pesky troops on their border you can just hit the Esc key to ignore them and you won't get any penalty for lying to them about merely passing by 😅

  4. this episode is the exact thing I don't like about Civ and prefer about AoW4. The combat in Civ is just so much Micro managing and it gets really tedious.

  5. Is it really a diety or may be some mods to ease the game are installed? When I am playing at this turn AI got like 250+ science and have like 1500-2000 combat strenght each by printing army

  6. "In one great moment judgement fallen

    Babylon no longer there

    Gone are her streets her giant towers

    Disappeared into thin air

    Don't ever cry, just remember

    Shadow Gallery 🤘

  7. Beautiful unit positioning but you tunnel vision hard on military in this series. I feel you, multitasking is hard. But if you spent some of that 3000 faith to spread your religion to Indonesia, your science could be way higher.

  8. There was a period of time when I mained Civ 5 and I got about 15-20 games in a row where I spawned absurdly close to an aggressive AI, settled a little too close and then got murked in a war, only to hold my tongue for a few score turns and then mount a counter attack and take over their whole empire. There's something so satisfying about slowly chipping away and then eventually reversing the tides until it starts to snowball and you just take their last few cities in as many turns

  9. Right now, I’m conquering the world as Poland, and honestly I’ve never had such a high level Modern tank army before, 5 promotions and another on the way? Hell yeah! Mobilized artillery Corps with almost 6 promotions? Hell yeah!


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