Ancient as Sand: Trusting Your Intuition Kemetic Yoga Flow (20 min)

The beauty of our intuition is that it is unique to us. It is a guiding force that has culminated over many years, lifetimes and lineages specific to us in any moment. Sometimes we can be led adrift by the desires and inclinations of others and could possibly lose contact with our uniqueness completely. This 20 minute Kemetic yoga flow is about the human art of instinct, intuition and listening from deep within.

All that is required is for us to root in our essence. All that is required is for you to be you and to be more and more of you each day.

If you feel inspired, let us know in the comment section how your intuition has guided you in your life =)

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Filmed in the Fayoum Oasis of Egypt
Music: Ancient as Sand (1st song) & Temple Sonic (2nd song)
Full Instrumental Versions:
Ancient as Sand:
Temple Sonic:

By performing any fitness, yoga, workout, exercises, you are performing them at your own risk. As with all exercise programs, when using our exercise videos there is the possibility of physical injury. We recommend that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. We ask to follow your own inner guidance and judgement when participating in any exercise or exercise program. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself. Sarah Wes will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of our fitness program, online fitness videos, or information shared on our website. This includes emails, videos and text. Thanks for your understanding.


21 thoughts on “Ancient as Sand: Trusting Your Intuition Kemetic Yoga Flow (20 min)”

  1. I know people have mentioned this before but I wish you would hold poses for a bit longer, not anything crazy but just feels rushed even sometimes the audio is out of sync with your movements on screen, and it feels even more so !
    I love your gentle vibe, it feels right, I just want to enjoy it more and revel in it!

    Also, random question I’ve always thought of since discovering you- since you call traditional “downward dog” pyramid, what do you call the traditional “pyramid” pose? In Indian yoga, the pyramid pose is kinda like triangle pose.. I’m curious what you call that in kemetic yoga, or is kemetic only a limited number of poses?

  2. My intuition led me to a new city, new experiences and new people. I had to leave home so I could grow stronger, I am at this process now, seeding myself into a new ground. Your videos are part of my everyday routine. I love your life! Thanks! <3

  3. My intuition have navigated me out of situations that didn’t serve purpose to my highest self. It has taken me to a place of love, peace & happiness. Blessings. Beautiful flow. Sat with something heavy here, and was blessed with the connection of the light

  4. Amazing energy! Listening to that inner voice is so effective and your yoga routine is wonderful to establish the much needed connection. Keep posting. The world needs you! Have a blessed day. One Love. Zara

  5. 🧘🏽‍♀️Greetings & Gratitude 🙏🏾 For Your DeFinitive Yoga Flow❣️I Would Love To Chat Further about Foundation & Asana Terms for Kemetic Yoga? Do You Offer 200hr Teacher Training? 🙌🏾Sending Positive Energy

  6. Dear Sarah, I am so grateful I found your account. Your classes are truly magical and activating. Wow! And the landscapes are so magnificent! Really inspiring. One way my intuition has helped me is to connect authentically to myself and others. Instead of doing what "I should do" I let my intuition tell me what the potential is for my showing up. This feels liberating and sincere.

  7. I have been doing this weekly (nearly daily) and there are noticeable parallels between my dreams and reality, growing in confidence and self awareness, and I am training myself to trust my instincts. Thank you 🙂


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