Ancient Alien City Discovered Under Antarctica is Made of Crystal

Crystal City of Aliens Discovered Under Antarctica is Home to Ancient Beings?

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34 thoughts on “Ancient Alien City Discovered Under Antarctica is Made of Crystal”

  1. I think that's why they don't want to discover everything in the ocean because they know that aliens are there or have something there because to this day they still only seen 10 or 20 % of the ocean!

  2. well, for one, I don't think that aliens are worried too much about mankind destroying the earth cause they can just go to space. so no, sound like a made-up story.
    I do think that there are other beings out there watching us because humans didn't create this earth, something else did. therefore, we are being that has been created for some type of purpose, what it's, I don't think that no one knows!

  3. You used to be able to the lines on the ocean floor in Google Maps. I used to look at the lines off the coast of Greenland. There's hundreds and thousands of them. I will say that Google has been removing a lot of them and also when you try to zoom in to certain features on the ocean floor they black it out. Wonder why that is??

  4. Sad….U believe NASA…not a space agency….own the biggest pool and movie studio in the world.
    Trust no man
    Ex CIA..we didn't just lie about the moon landing we lied about everything.

  5. There is something under there. There are entities under there. Scripture from all three Abrahamic religions. Christianity/Jewish/Muslim speak on it. Hinduism offers a lot of perspective on it too.

    But, it's always the same theme. Fallen angellic beings that are imprisoned within the planet to varying degrees. Deceitful spirits, crafty ancient, and masters of putting on a big Hollywood like show and spectacle only to hide who they really are.

    Even without the scriptures. Just think for a sec. If they are so advanced, powerful, and above us. Then why are they literally living beneath us and hiding. They are fallen angellic beings and we don't know everything bout them. But we were told enough by God. Do not Trust a word they say.

    I'd love to think that an amazing utopia of space beings living in harmony are inside the earth not interfering with us for noble reasons. But it's not true. It is a lie. And they are pulling our strings. Don't fall for it. I once loved and was fascinated by the admirable admiral's diary. But, it's just a pretty picture. It isn't what is really going on.

    Evil is rising. Just like it did with Hitler. Why did Hitler and the Nazis have such advanced technology and why was Hitler obsessed with the occult and Agatha and the blonde haired blue eyed theme? Why the same type of technology? Why the ethnic and racial cleansing? Why were the Jews the biggest target? Germany and the Nazis didn't just get all of this stuff from nowhere. Hitler wasn't able to charismatically inspire millions of people and almost conquer the world without help.

    So, then who was helping? Enticing, abetting, and aiding them? Hmmmm……..Most people don't know they are being used for evil until it's too late. It's easy to see that Hitler was evil…after the fact. And people seem to have an assumptions that Evil beings have an appearance of being scary. It's so childish.

    The underground people aren't going to save us. Christ does. Let's pray for His soon return. And if you reject Christ. That is your choice. That's freewill.

  6. I have formed a similar conclusion for some time. It is the most logical and supported hypothesis and trumps that of extra terrestrial life being responsible. There is ample evidence in history of a non human race being present and at times engaging with humanity. The beings are described consistently with an amphibious life form eg. reptile-like, hermaphroditic and subterranean. Earth is an aquatic planet more so than a terrestrial one. Amphibians appear much earlier than mammals on the evolutionary tree, allowing greater time for such a life form to become advanced. The aquatic character makes combustible/heat technology unlikely thus explaining the antigravity features of the technology being reported. That Earth is also their home, it explains why they are keenly interested in our destructive actions. I hope the answer is like this and that they are wise. Perhaps we might listen and learn from them, but I doubt many will feel that way and will only perceive a threat.

  7. I've always said the Aliens are living in the ocean and there are cities, only 5% off the ocean have been explored, The Film ,The Abyss says it all 👽🛸👽😁 its only a matter off time before they show themselves or the Government come out and tell us the Truth that we are not Alone 👽🛸👽🛸👽🛸👽🛸👽🛸

  8. Awesome video your one of the first speakers to recognize that detail that they might be from here. They are seen around water, volcanoes, and mountains where they may very well live. They can also been seen in ancient art and literature.


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