An Open World Blacksmithing RPG That Burned Bright – While the Iron's Hot

While the Iron’s Hot gameplay with Splattercat! Let’s Play While the Iron’s Hot and check out a game where you’ll travel the land smithing objects for the fair folk of the realm.

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49 thoughts on “An Open World Blacksmithing RPG That Burned Bright – While the Iron's Hot”

  1. I just downloaded a blacksmithing cellphone game last night cause I miss playing them but most are so paywalled or have an underwhelming amount of content it makes me sad, and then I saw you uploaded this little gem. 😀

  2. I would love to see more games with this kinda styl of art and pixel too many games are so HD and close to real life these days games should be gamey. Also i would like to see some good necromancy rpg summoning leveling type of game cooking and crafting as well

  3. This was quite fun to watch, the gameplay seems almost relaxing even, I like how mechanical and tactile everything feels. And you were so enthusiastic and seemed to be actually excited while playing, which made the experience much better!

  4. As an Indie Game Developer of pixel games, I can tell you that a lot of love and time went into making this. This is definitely something I want to play when I get some free time in developing. Kudos to Bontemps Games!

  5. “Is not he that can make an opportunity superior to him that takes it; and is not he that strikes only when the iron is hot likely to be outdone by him, that makes the iron hot by striking?” ~~~~ most favorite quote ever!

  6. so, there's a head blacksmith with an urgent order, and he sits around on a park bench instead of filling he order just so he can tell is apprentice, who fell down a mine shaft, to hurry up and get the job done.

    never, never think about video game storylines.

  7. This game has so many QoL, but Splat haven't used/show them.
    You can pin 3 rcp and do them simultaneously if the materials you need match, that's only when you need more than one let's say 2×2 piece or multiple 1×1
    Also he was super exited about the kids helmet and didn't say – F me they really changed the sprite – when he give his order.
    The demo looks great, there are few things that might get polished, but definitely a game looking forward to play, and If there is a way to randomize the things wow this might become super awesome non linear RPG.

  8. so I know this is the wrong video but I'm lazy 🙂 That space game Trancendance. I decided to play the free version from the website, no complaints it downloaded quickly and installed simply, but I think all my happy thoughts exit my head now. I got the quest from the Church but I did several steps and the quest never did fuck all, the game to me seems 100% broken for something that is 20 years in updates this coder failed all my tests for being good at his job, sorry dev guy. I even did a combat that just showed up as a target but after I did it I did not get a complete check I was just left floating in space. OK. So after like 3 quests for the militia guy he tried to send me somewhere but I did not understand and I got no quest to look at so at this point I left in a flustered state. I do wish I could fly the ship with the mouse and not the A/D for turning or arrows I guess. I think Star Valor is better, I was hoping this game with more quests would make me happy. That did not work out for me.

  9. Yeah it's a nice little game. I did fight with the controls somewhat though. Some sections are better with keyboard and some better with mouse. Maybe it's more of a user error but I play a wide variety of games and it usually takes me mere minutes to get into it. That being said, the rest of the game was good. The base seems solid and I saw a lot of upgrades that would add entire new sections to the game, not just +5 whatever but very significant such as an underwater module to go scavenging sunken vessels. The dialogue and quests seemed fine and there were some funny references to other games. Added to my wishlist and interested to see what else the game can bring. If I ever need a break from OSRS, I know where to go.

  10. Splatter is my Craftsbrother from another mother. When it's a potions, blacksmith or merchant game my attention is already in.
    Anf the sprite animations are charming as hell!

  11. Hey! Thank you so much for playing our game 🙂 The feedback on the demo has been super valuable. We’ve worked on our controls to make them feel smoother for the full release, and we'll be adding the QoL you mentioned as well! When it comes to the QTE Events, as the game progresses, you'll get to upgrade your forge offering more options to craft more efficiently.

  12. I met a cute girl in the next village over. She was pretty shy to begin with, wouldn't even tell me her name. But I did some pretty epic work for her, so after a while she warmed to me. She doesn't say much, but likes to hang out. I don't know if this means anything, but every time I talk to her she gives me wood.

  13. Splat, if you're into blacksmithing games, I have two retro suggestions for you.
    Thousand Arms if you'd like non-visual-novel datesim directly tied into smithing.
    Legend of Mana if you want an insanely complex blacksmithing system, far more complex than any crafting system humanity is ever likely to produce again.


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