An INSANE Generation ~ Rex Reviews

For THE REAL D.O.P.E. on how the the Right and Left are being manipulated to catalyze an engineered conflict, subscribe to the TiborasaurusRex Patreon page!

An insane generation of godless self-absorbed brats needs the nanny state to live. A godless revolution will breed the next generation of godless mobster rule. Without a disciplined focus on reattaining true vertical alignment, the United State’s fate is sealed.

HYPNOTIZED: We are well trained by propaganda to outrage on demand. The consumers of the greater preppersphere barks in synchronization the exact second they are stimulated by the electric Propaganda on their BROD screens to bark. They mindlessly rile each other up and bark in competition as the perceived β€˜bad’ car drives out of the driveway. Has anyone ever noticed the thin and delicate digital strings of control over the minds and hearts of men? Does the digital propaganda represent YOUR actual reality?

Why does snapping out of the trance require such repetition? Wake up. Wake up! WAKE UP. WAKE UP, DAMMIT!!!!! Because the process of being PROPAGANDIZED requires the subject to be made so comfortable on the chair that he falls completely asleep – 100% immobilized by comfort – rendered completely INACTIVE. The subject, rendered inactive and drunk on propaganda designed to inflate pride and ego to feed future Hegelian conflict, totally buys into their presented new role in the digital Quixotic Crusade to bark at the digitally manifest β€˜bad’ cars as they drive buy.

Satiated with their new found β€˜hero’ position in the Quixotic Crusade again the β€˜bad cars’ they let down all of their guards and ingest more poison, titrated to permeate their entire being, shaping a new a murderous heart, lusting after mobster / tough guy / warlord status. Feeding off of eternal conflict. And lifting itself up as a β€˜war hero’ in a digital delusion enslaved to every word that proceeds of the GLOWING SCREEN OF LIGHT that was given power to SPEAK LIKE A MAN.

Paralyzed in their delusions, the entire crop of men in a wicked generation was completely lost to the radiation sickness of their BRODs. Executed in-situ in the digital-hypnosis-comfort of their living rooms.

Michael Gibbs Music


42 thoughts on “An INSANE Generation ~ Rex Reviews”

  1. I never meet anyone who loves Jesus. The government has taken over the church in America, however the gates of Hades will not prevail against the Church of God. I haven't seen Ted do a YouTube video in a while. I believe most people on YouTube are Feds or working for them anyway.

  2. Not everyone has the opportunity to have their own piece of land away from everything. When I had my painting business in Connecticut, they taxed me to death. That was one of their many strategies to try to destroy me, to wear me out just like Lee Oswal who was targeted by the FBI. He could not hold a job, and most likely his Russian wife was an informant. However, the Lord brought me to Montana, and He made sure I understand that America (Babylon) is a magic spell and that there is no difference between red and blue states. The devil masquerades as an angle of light, that is the American flag per say. When you understand that, you can understand that we Christians are aliens here waiting for Jesus and the new heaven and earth. I wonder, who these friends are you have Rex, because I know Ted is one of them who supports the problem (Trump) etc.

  3. I thing gunning is vote a change this.
    Missed you Rex. It's been a year since I dropped all Patreon accts so I'd have more time to do the things. Got 1/2 acre garden, turkeys, 30 egg layers, and will add meat birds to our newest coup in the spring. I hope you're in good health and welfare. Wishing you and your house the best. Shabbat shalom.

  4. We need to create an independent economy. We also need to build cities of Light/Refuge. They must be capable of manufacturing, power production and food production. I do not mean process food but family farms in and around the cities. There also will absolutely need to some sort of security. These things must be done in the FEAR OF THE LORD. May God’s mercy and grace grant us the strength and wisdom to act. We need to be led by the Holy Spirit in all things. πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰FEAR THE LORD πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

  5. I'm old, too late to start a homestead, I stockpile what I can, learn what I can. But most importantly, I pray, and try to live right in God's eyes, because if I don't go in the rapture, I'm gonna die, and when that happens I hope to go to Heaven. Stuck in a town, but it's not too big. One day at a time sweet Jesus.❀ my best leverage is I don't need much.

  6. I've spent some time in DC – those light poles look boring and need some political decorations – such as politicians who have broken their word ..

    if your oath is meaningless noise, it has no point – just sayin .,.

  7. Its a Big trap, and we are all in it! Totally self sufficient communitys are the answer, However I would guess that at least 90 % of the population will Never be able to achieve that! History will very likely repeat, and most likely very few will live thru it! Thanks for your excellent work RexπŸ’―πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž 9:18

  8. Soros open borders and the U.N immigration resettlement agenda is but one prong of the pitchfork to bring down America. All planned and orchestrated by the people who bought out our political parasites. Who are now guilty of sedition and treason

  9. Murder Incorporated on Wall Street and the International Bureau of Usury who always opposed multiracial expressions of sympathy and respect for Jesus showed how they spit on Americans by foisting Joe Biden on the world to do their bidding. And they used your tax dollars and counterfeiting to install the moral dissipate.


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