Amnesia: Rebirth – Story Explained

Hello everyone, and welcome to the next installment of Lore and Order, where I unpack game lore and stories from games.


45 thoughts on “Amnesia: Rebirth – Story Explained”

  1. I really enjoyed Rebirth visually, and the Otherworld is one of my favorite video game environments in recent memory. However, I really did not enjoy this game from a game play aspect because everything we did felt pointless. Nothing ever went right for Tasi, and it really made me reluctant to continue because I knew however long I spent doing fetch quests would be for nought. On top of that, and maybe it's just me, I felt like the puzzles in this game were not as clear in terms of instruction as other Amnesia games. I understand that's the point of a puzzle, but there would be a bunch of times where I would be wandering around my environment unsure of what to do. Nonetheless I enjoyed the game and enjoyed the lore and environments, and I don't regret playing it.

  2. I've been listening to a lot of your content for past 2 months now and you should have one million four hundred twenty thousand and more subscribers instead of one hundred forty two thousand. You're great Harry.

  3. I have been soo excited about your explanation of this game, it was incredibly disturbing. Probably one of the worst games I have experienced, they really get under your skin. Also as a Swede I am proud haha

  4. i have been waiting for this one. love the lore videos a lot! it's like those videos about movies, but for games.
    love your content dude. i subscribed not too long ago because you actually tell the story and every story related detail in an easy to digest way, and i lov that.
    keep up the amazing work dude!

  5. I was so dissapointed with this game, even more than A Machine for Pigs. At least AMFP had an interesting protagonist while in Rebirth she annoyed the hell out of me. It doesn't help that she has so many speaking lines while both Daniel and Mandus were mostly silent.

  6. real opinion about this game

    Honestly it's just meh nothing really awesome or unique or interesting like the first two, bland story really in my opinion, about the only thing I guess is some what interesting is the bad ending where she gets turned into a ghoul, the good ending…… XD as boring and done to death as stories go wouldn't be a game without some cookie cutter ww2 bullshit, other than that the game mechanics look like they work really well and are an improvement, but still going to sit this one out, would still prefer SOMA

  7. a game series/ story line I think you should get into is the whole “welcome to the game” series by reflect studios the storyline is very good and confusing and it’s a storyline that follows across multiple games and the games are very interesting and scary experiences. Would be nice to see someone go into this story in-depth and and explain the story fully and find out every little secret thing that goes on in the games. This game series I feel is perfect for the channel and ‘lore and order’ series

  8. Whilst i liked the game i never really managed to care that much for the main character or baby as was probably intended, definitely my least favorite game from Frictional, but thats not really saying much as i like all of them.

  9. I think I would prefer the Iconoclast ending being the "canon" end, because there's more of a grim finality to it. The shadow devours all, heedless of the follies of mortals.


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