Amid national divisions: Where is the country headed? | DW News

Israel marks its 75th Independence Day. This year’s events come amid a surge in violence between Israelis and Palestinians and turmoil within the country over controversial judicial reforms. 


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40 thoughts on “Amid national divisions: Where is the country headed? | DW News”

  1. It's mad how humans think the time we've been around for actually means something. The land of Isreal? Plate tectonics will have the final word, Israel belongs not to the Israelis or Palestinians- it belongs to moving plates.

  2. Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of Israel would not be to different than celebrating the formation of South Africa during apartheid. In reality this "Israeli Independence" day thing is more a a celebration of when the militant group Haganah expelled over 750,000 Palestinians & demolished over hundreds of Palestinian villages like Sheikh Muannis ( Where this racist Tel Aviv University is like the Green Building) & did massacres like the Tanturah Massacre or the Deir Yassin Massacre. So in reality ur really celebrating terrorism. It's not different than celebrating Columbus Day or Thanksgiving, events in which Pilgrim terrorists massacred native Americans. Rather than celebrating that so called " Israel Independence Day", that event should be marked as Nakba day & even if that's offensive, it's not my damn fault that this was how Israel was created, Ben Gurion chose to do terrorism, no one forced him to do it. Intentional or not, celebrating this so called independence is celebrating terrorism.

  3. Martin Luther King, Jr., reminded us that “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” Change takes a long time, but it does happen……Occupation and injustice will end one day.

  4. Interesting how people forget that Isreal is YHWHs nation/people. He made an everlasting covenant.

    First he will regather them in unbelief for discipline and then he will pour His spirit on them for a national salvation.

    Then YHWH will establish a millennial kingdom with Jerusalem/Isreal leading the world.

  5. Imagine if a DW report introduced a young Ukrainian woman as "Russian". Obviously, that would be unimaginably crass and insensitive.

    So here's a question for DW's Rebecca Ritters. In her interview, Maria Rashed could not have been more clear in telling you she's a Palestinian and that she rejects the label "Israeli". Yet you introduce her as a "young Israeli" and your caption calls her an "Israeli citizen". In the interests of accuracy the term is "Palestinian citizen of Israel". In reality her "citizenship" is second-class at best – as enshrined in Israel's Nation State Law – and she is subject to a policy of Apartheid. This is well documented by Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and all serious human rights bodies. Yet in 22 minutes of reporting on this country you fail to mention the word "Apartheid" even once. Why is that DW?

  6. LOl the pali girl says she doesnt feel safe wearing bearly any cclothes living in israel. back in her home shed be making sanwitches on a daily basis for the whole vilage

  7. I’m all for a defense treaty with Israel, but it’s time to cut their funding.

    Here in the US people are dying of treatable illnesses.
    In Israel they have universal healthcare.

    Israel and their war dog president, can clearly manage on their own.


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