America's Fate Revealed: Is God Passing Judgment? | Jonathan Cahn & Rabbi Jason Sobel

Could there be an explanation for these bizarre times we’re living in? America’s fate, are there biblical connections to what is happening? Is God passing judgment? Is it prophecy? Rabbi Jason Sobel and @jonathancahn.official discuss the possibility that America is under judgment AND why from a biblical and messianic perspective on modern events.

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Rabbi Jason Sobel dedicated much of his life to finding truth. After years of seeking and studying, he encountered the Lord and found his true destiny as a Jewish follower of Jesus (Yeshua). Suddenly, all the traditions Rabbi Jason grew up with took on new depth and meaning as God connected ancient wisdom with the teachings of the Messiah. Rabbi Jason Sobel is a Messianic Jew who believes Yeshua Jesus is the Messiah.

Rabbi Jason Sobel is the author of several books, including his recent book, the nationally bestselling Mysteries of the Messiah: Unveiling Divine Connections from Genesis to Today, and recently released, Rabbi Jason’s and Kathie Lee Gifford’s new book The God of the Way– already a NY Times Bestseller!

Rabbi Jason is the author of Breakthrough and Aligning with God’s Appointed Times. Rabbi Jason Sobel also co-authored the New York Times bestseller The Rock, The Road, and The Rabbi with Kathie Lee Gifford. He is the spiritual advisor to The Chosen TV Series, and host of The Chosen Unveiled and Mysteries of the Messiah TV series, and God’s Appointed Times on TBN.

Check out his book Signs and Secrets of the Messiah: A Fresh Look at the Miracles of Jesus at HTTP://

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40 thoughts on “America's Fate Revealed: Is God Passing Judgment? | Jonathan Cahn & Rabbi Jason Sobel”

  1. God isnt judging America its being manipulated by the antichrist you mention 911 but you didn't mention the 4000 jews that didn't show up for work on that day. By the way call no man rabbi thats the word of God. Now go sells some books.

  2. No doubt America is certainly under judgment,but of course the left is going to dismiss all of these as rubbish.fear not America,Trump is on his way to haul you out from that hole Biden and his establishment dug over the the last two years.Go Trump 2024.Amen?

  3. Ok fakes…its not just america but all those nations involved in psalms 83 is soon to come including u fakes. Yashar'el has been here n u guys know it but still ficused on putting ur energy on tryna wipe us out but u kno Yah will never let that happen, ya'll know about the awakening thats happening now.js

  4. In America people don't respect a person that reached positive gains, unless it have a pervert gain to their name. If one look deep into the American gains that the people fall in to support those with a great name. You will find they support the gay movement thing. The problem that been going on in the America system, is that we have those take what one created, and lower the standards, instead of building it up to a more modern gain. Is why we have so many leaders with low standards, who promote as being part of the real thing. Who tell their followers it was what they were talking about. That it kept going to the lowest level, until they reached the gay movement thing.

  5. If  you want to know the Truth and be set free of the deception from Satan, the God of this world (2Co 4:4); call upon the name of Jesus (Rom 10:13); worship the One true living God (Heb 9:14); Creator of heaven, earth, and all that is within! The Father of spirits (Heb 12:9) is a Spirit and they who come to Him must believe and worship Him by faith, in Spirit and Truth! (John 4:23-24, Hebrew 11:6) In this physical realm, the ocean dwelling creature called an Octopus is somewhat like Satan himself in the spiritual realm: very deceptive! "For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be 
    according to their works." (2Co 11:15) So many of these ancient and so called great civilizations, in history, eventually turned to human sacrifice and were accursed into odscurity by the one True and living God! America and many other nations and peoples are soon to follow their demise! Those who reject Truth and listen to their chosen idols: like Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Barrak Hussein Obama. Obama is the chief proponent and high priest for the murder of millions upon millions of innocents! He is the greatest killer of innocents in recorded history and to date, without remorse! Those who put him into office share in his sin guilt and in need of repentance!

  6. AMERICA is NOT "America" anymore – it has MORPHED into "Mystery Babylon", that evil END TIMES empire described in Revelation.
    We lived abroad for 5 years, and then returned to the USA – we could NOT recognize our own country !
    Jesus warned us: "Come out of her, my people…" (Revelation 18:4-5). Heed His warning – LEAVE AMERICA NOW !

  7. This is not the same time as Jeremiah nor Eligah.

    In Rev. 6:4 tells us first peace is being taken away from the earth America a d the world is under judgment we can see the ungodliness and violence and corruption is taken place as in the days of Noah Genesis 6 and the days of Lot Luke 17 the rise of homosexuality and laziness self consumed.

    The believers are lights in this dark world. He is right about the laws calling good as evil and evil as now good thing. The same sex marriage act a law calling good as God says it is evil. The slaughter of the unborn has been taken place since 1973. These are liken to the days of Noah and Lot. Read Gen 6 Gen. 19 and Luke 17 . Believe it or not!

  8. How many times did God send army's of other countries against Israel when He was displeased with their actions & activities? So many Americans are living in denial refusing to admit that God furry us growing stronger against this country. I know i need to give my testimony to this country to ignite the revival we need, but antichrist is doing everything he can to take me out. I don't know what to do where to turn, or who i can even trust right now. he's told me twice through two of my family members to stop preaching Christ to his family, so i know i can't even trust my loved ones

  9. Yes just like israel was bowing down to foriegn gods. Easter snd dec 25. Were the foriegn gods the. Christian churches do not kerp 10 commandments. 1 john 2 tells how to discern who is false teachers as well false prophets. Says if they do not kerp the 10 commands of. Jesus are not true believers. They listen to. Constantine's changed to his laws and satan deceived, still blinding their eyes will not be going to. Heaven. Just by thing the fertility. Estoreth. Easter in english snd. Isis her son. Horus birthday of mother and son which rome chaged to be mother and child jesus called them to be very bad outcome msking Christmas the son of datan Christian the mystery babylon every who has esrs better keep ten commands of. God stop bowing to these devils and keep the. Sabbath the. 7th fsy

  10. Lord we are calling to You! We love Father! Take over our people,our land ,our country,our lives,Your reign and Your rule ,to be close to Your ways. All we have is Yours, let the Alpha and Omega take over our hearts,our minds,our mouths,our lives. Glory to You Lord! We love you.

  11. Jesus rested on the finish when He finished the foundstion of esrth snd zhe redted again it was finishes His.misdion and rose up on the 7th day Sabbsth st the 3 whole dsys and whole nights. He rose on the 7th dsy st the exact time he had been put in His grave. For zhe was crucified on weds in the ground on. Thursday, Friday and. Saturday it was finished on. The saturday Sabbath He isThe. Lord of all sabbaths ehich some are called. THE FEAST HOLY DAYS. GOD HAD COMMANDED which are prophetic ro giving us to know what is going to take place. Thsnk. Constsntine of. Rome doing a great job for satan who has his way kerping millions of. Christians to be blinded. These are all in. Dead sea. Scrolls including the. Bday of. Jesus.9/11/2 bc tabernacle Feast. He came to. Tsbernacle with us. Awake before too late.this tradtion od dec 25 and easter bunnies isa huge lie not even in the bible read.1.john 2 and see better keep the 10 commandments to be able to enter. Heaven. Prsying for all who will hear truth ans wske.up the blinded all of us were blinded for the last 2000 yes. Thanks to. Condtantine of ROME😢😮❤

  12. 0% of ppl will do as bible says if theses are the judgment time I urge you and the televangelist to give up all their possessions and work on helping the poor. Books can prove anything action not words so never shave wear linen of one material ,and give all your $$ to poor now.

  13. Yes,We need to put God first in America again,That's what we need,Bring God back !!!! Yes, REPENT Openly take down all theses pagen things in America,TAKE THEM ALL DOWN 👇 AN BRING OUR LORD AN SAVIOR BACK AGAIN 🙏,IF WE DON'T ITS GOING TO GET WORSER NOT BETTER,THATS WHY WE HAVE TO DO THIS.Thank you all again 🙏GODBLESS US ALL AN ISREAL 🙏

  14. All religious books were written by men that did it by own convenience and they been trying to convince that "God" told them, yeah right! Unfortunately many fell to this!

  15. In the old covenant God td Israel if they rebelled He would hunt them down personlly and destroy them. In the .new covenant after the finished work of the Lord on the cross judgement Has been poured out on The Lamb of God. Now when we re ell, by that rebellion we reject the Government of the Holy Spirit a d subsequently authorize the kingdom of darkness and come under satans government so no God isnt judging America, Hes going to humle the Church coming qui kly to His temple with the REFINERS FAN in zHis Hand. Itll be Castening the rebel watchmen and building the John17 church. lets set our face to Him as Daniel and intercede after His prayer


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