American reacts to Armed British Police VS Obnoxious American Tourists

Thank you for watching me, a humble American, react to Armed British Police VS Obnoxious American Tourists

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42 thoughts on “American reacts to Armed British Police VS Obnoxious American Tourists”

  1. Do you think these same Americans, would go to the White House and laugh and disrespect the soldiers/personnel guarding the place? I just don't get people sometimes.

  2. You get it, Ryan. Our troops and police deserve better. We all get it, and London is a crazy place now. The first rabble seem to be some sort of cult – but having worked with many decent Americans, pretty convinced they're not all like these stupid tourists.

  3. Unfortunately foringn tourists hear that the kings guard will not flinch when approached. So these people see it as a game to try and prove them wrong. It is highly disrespectful. How would they like it if British tourists went to their country and disrespected their national institutions.

  4. Americans think that the whole world is exactly like America. They don't even bother to look up local customs etc. They expect everyone and everywhere to be the US and so they think their behaviour is normal. They don't even have respect in Muslim countries but think that locals should bend and change to their will! It's so rude.

  5. It's ok, we know not ALL Americans are like this, also it's not like we're not dumb in America 🥰 It's not the tower it is Buckingham PALACE that the guards are guarding, and they are all serving members of the British Army
    The SECOND eviction is Team Samiad…its a summer school for Internationals….looking at that group I am going to say middle eastern

  6. 3:05 "It seems like a lot of obnoxious and annoying Americans seem to travel around, which is unfortunate." Not that surprising, as a lot of Americans are obnoxious and annoying. While I'd like to get political and claim they're mostly in favor of The Orange Comb-Over getting re-elected, the sad truth is obnoxious and annoying American tourists are part of EVERY political faction in the United States. The unwarranted sense of entitlement and superiority displayed by my fellow countrymen when they travel abroad is deeply embarrassing to me. I learned the truth while in the navy and visiting numerous foreign ports – America may be the most powerful nation, but it's individual people can be total d**ks sometimes.

  7. Can't understand why a tourist has to make fun or mess around in a way that he/she would never do at their own Country..
    You can without problem take a pic if you ask nicely even a Selfie- as long as you are respectfull and ask!
    Same in the USA at the Tumb of the Unknow Soilder ( Sorry, English ist really not my first Language, so if i butcher it… please forgive me!) .. Some People ( Americans) disrespect the guards!.
    I hope one day, all those who ever behaved like that will learn a really hard lesson.

  8. @Ryan Wuzer – FYI Ryan, in the videos you are watching here, they have been posted by ‘Buska in the Park’ but it’s not pronounced ‘booska’, it’s ‘busska’ (phonetically). It’s sort of street slang for busker and you know what a busker is, I’m sure. The weapons the police are carrying has been described by another commenter here (an ex-serviceman @jameswills6320). This is not the Tower of London, this is Horseguards, which is the home of the Household Cavalry (two regiments made up of the Lifeguards [red tunics] and the Blues & Royals [Blue tunics] and are the mounted regiments that are seen on horseback riding down The Mall to Buckingham Palace for the ‘Changing of the Guard’. The London Military Tattoo is held on Horseguards Parade, which is a large parade ground accessed via this area (sort of!). There is no public access to the parade ground. The guards in this area are serving soldiers and are in ceremonial uniform. The Military Tattoo is also in ceremonial uniform – check it out. The monarch is always in attendance. I remember it being an event we always watched as children and I loved seeing Her Majesty the Queen (Elizabeth II) mounted side-saddle in full uniform, looking magnificent. She is sorely missed. Sadly, many tourists who visit these historical sites can be very rude but they are not just some Americans, they are from all over the world. We Brits dislike, intensely, our servicemen and women being abused in this way and want certain sites closed off to the public, simply because these idiots just can’t be respectful. You should check out ‘Buska in the park’s channel. He is there filming every day, in all weathers. Despite there being clearly posted signage, many people grab the reins of the horses – which is ridiculously stupid – and they do get yelled at. On occasion, a guard will advance their horse towards the worst offenders, if they are feeling threatened. That usually happens if the armed police have not yet arrived on the scene (there is a panic button the mounted guard can press in the arch where the horse is posted). You seem interested, so I hope that helps. Best regards from the Giant’s Causeway coast of Northern Ireland. 😄👍☘️

  9. That behaviour goes down about as well as a micro mini skirt does in Disneyland.
    I like the scene from The Simpsons where Homer mistakes a US marine guard at the US embassy in Australia for a Royal Guardsman and tries to get the guard to respond to his taunts. The guard immediately punches Homer in the face while addressing him as "Sir"

  10. In the UK, there's having a laugh, and there's taking the piss! Our army is happy to show off PROUDLY! But you DO NOT "Take the piss" out the British, in person, and not get put in your place, Military or not!! Sorry!

  11. The British people, the British police and the establishment as a whole are pretty easy going and tolerant, but when it comes to our Royal Family and the Royal Guard, the tolerance goes out of the window. It's sad to say, but most of the obnoxious, ignorant, loud tourists are, unfortunately, American, who seem to think everything about British tradition, our Royalty and the pageantry associated with it is a joke, I wonder how the American public would feel if a group of British tourists started to interrupt proceedings at Arlington? It wouldn't be seen as amusing by the American public, just as we don't think it's amusing to have a bunch of loud obnoxious American tourists doing things like this on a daily basis.

  12. I travelled to the UK in 2005, and they were still super paranoid about terrorism. I collected my bags and started walking away (in the wrong direction mind you) and 10 cops walked around the corner carrying mp5s with about 5 mags on their vest, a glock on the hip and a taster on the other hip. They were most certainly not fucking around.

  13. Warning? What are they 5? If they don’t have the brain capacity to understand what a King’s guard is, they don’t get a warning. The warning was they knew they were pushing it, the length it occurred and the fact a police officer rocked up. 👏read👏the👏signs👏

  14. A lot of tourists tend to forget something pretty simple. The King's Guard are Active serving members of the British Armed forces. Ceremonial duty is only part of their job.

  15. It's Buckingham Palace horse quadrangle . Service soldiers are on guard all around, protecting entrances where tourists aren't allowed. Day after day, these working soldiers put up with rudeness from many people. Disrespectful. They are lucky to be allowed in. They think it's Disneyland.

  16. They travelled thousands of miles at tremendous expense to demonstrate test they were pillocks 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿, numpties 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 and generally, uncivilised and as thick as mince. Two baps short of a picnic…. They’re lucky they didn’t get the lady policeman … she could just tear ‘em apart with her extensive vocabulary … doesn’t need her giant gun…

    Most them fight in wars… typically American instigated phoney wars when POTUS remembers the so-called special relationship and calls upon our British military to make the Americans look good and demonstrate their lousy targeting by us supplying objects for their friendly fire … our lads always end up in boxes when they support the USA… quantity doesn’t outdo quality as shown repeatedly in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan …. And now they’re on drug patrol in the Caribbean and dealing with drones in the Middle East … these guys are the real deal … and then there’s the Gurkhas… if they were not unfailingly polite and disciplined, those hand to hand combat experts would have the Americans flat on their faces before they knew they were dead … there’s thousands of applicants in Nepal for every single place in the Gurkha regiments of the British army … more Victoria crosses awarded than other regiments … They attack enemy machine gun emplacements with only their kukri knives as defence …. Back off Elmer!

  17. I Met an obnoxious American on the Hovercraft crossing the English Channel travelling to France in 1985 ,He went to Sleep suddenly crossing the English Channel. I thought it was a shame for him to miss the view .The Yank fell like a Plank .


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