American Reacts Basic workers' rights | British VS American!

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28 thoughts on “American Reacts Basic workers' rights | British VS American!”

  1. It's not quite so rosey in the UK for some. There is no obligation for companies to pay sick pay & some minimum/low pay jobs don't, so you may have to get "statuary sick pay" through the D.S.S. At the level it is set it doesn't necessarily cover your bills. Also statutory sick pay is not paid for the first two of three (I can't remember) days. I know people who use their holiday pay instead because they can't afford to do otherwise.

  2. In the uk you can self certify for five days after that you need a doctors note. If you get sick whilst on holiday you get the holiday days back. You cannot be fired whilst on holiday.

  3. In the UK you have about 9 bank holidays plus leave that might amount to 30 days or so. For some employers that might include the bank holidays. Then you also get sick leave that might last as long as the the illness – but impacting your pay after a while and also maternity and paternity pay. You could potentially figure out how to take it all off at once but that probably wouldn't suit you or your employer. An employer would likely expect you to take leave but also often likely not at times to the detriment of the business. A lot of employers allow flexlible working hours so over a period you decide how to distribute your hours at work. With some employers you can bank leave and carry it into teh next year or anticipate it in advance. Some employers let you buy or sell your leave to and extent. The thing is that American business lies to Americans and says they can't afford this whilst businesses in many other parts of the world clearly can and are probably more productive. If you work all the time and then just get crumbs you are a slave.

  4. If you abuse things like bereavement leave or sick your employer might not be able to prove it but your colleagues covering your work generally know and will hate you for it.

  5. How about the new USA law that permits contracting 14 year old kids?

    Besides that UK its not even the best european example…

    Edit: think, if health care was free in the USA there wouldnt be no Breaking Bad, Dr White would eventually go to the hospital and the series would emd because he was just treated basicaly for free

    You should try to understand about capitalism to understand USA. But be ready, you'll understand that your free America its responsible for most of wars happening everywhere…

  6. Jebus!! the richest country on the planet can't let people off work for Sickness, having a friggin baby or when you lose someone you love, if that's how you yanks like it? well you do you. My daughter got a year off work fully paid 6 months before baby 6 month after then there's healthcare you spend more than any country and can't give your citizens decent health care is not just sad it's criminal.

  7. In Spain you need a note from the doctor if your sick for more than 2 days, but it’s free and basically around the corner. Some people just take 2 days and if they feel better just work from home (if you’re work doesn’t require you to be somewhere else physically) till the end of the week, if you’re not seriously sick.

  8. 17:00 Again something hard to understand for Americans. In most of Europe an employer cannot just fire an employee whenever they feel like it. They need a well founded reason. If they don't have a good reason, they can't fire you. And if you take your holiday days, and then are immediately sick for some reason, that's just bad luck for your employer. You are legally entitled to both your holiday days AND your paid sick leave, so even if you are costing your employer at that point, this is not legal grounds to fire you. And if an employer tries to fire you without another good reason, you can sue them and get far more in a court mandated layoff package, costing the company far more than you would have cost them if they'd just paid your sick leave. And your union would support you in this legal case since the employer broke labour law.

    That's kind of the whole point. In the USA employees are playthings for employers. The culture is you should consider yourself lucky an employer is willing to give you a job and pay you, and you should just shut up and do the work no matter what.
    In Europe the culture is more that an employer should count themselves lucky to get productive, well educated workers, and if they don't care for their employees, they'll go somewhere else. Plus the government ensures employers care for their employees through labour laws, since otherwise people will no longer vote for those political parties.
    Imo the multi-party parlementary political systems (without the first past the goal post system and with proportionate representation system) in Europe help in this in that if the main political parties don't protect worker rights, people simply vote for another party that does. Choice aplenty. And workers FAR outnumber employers.
    It's one of the reasons why worker rights are so under threat in the UK. It's basically become one of the only two party systems in Europe, similar to the USA, exactly because they have a version of the first past the goal posts system and winner takes all system. But that's more a political discussion.

    So no. Even if you are costing your employer they can't just fire you. That would be illegal as long as you're just exercising your legally protected rights like sick leave and paid vacation time.
    In most countries though, even in Europe, if you're sick for more than a few days, you DO need a doctor's note to prove that you are incapable of working. But that seems pretty obvious.
    Also, maybe a clarification, but in most countries it is not your employer that pays your sick leave if you're sick for longer periods. Or they pay only a small portion of your normal pay. The rest of your pay when in sick leave for longer periods I'd paid by the government and the country's social security system. It's paid for by the taxes you paid earlier into social security. So it's not entirely a cost to your employer.

    There's also this crazy idea, that has been proven time and time again, but that americans (media, employers, lobbyists, etc) just refuse to accept, is that a well cared for and well protected employee is almost invariably a much much more productive and better employee. Exploiting your workers like in the usa only burns them out, makes them less productive, lakes them more prone to make mistakes, and so on. So in every way it's in an employer's interest to actually care for their employees, to give them sick leave, etc.

  9. I’ve worked in several jobs where people have pushed their sick days to the max and beyond. Eventually it catches up with them, the HR department gets involved and they leave – but with some, this can take years. My boss was an expert at it, every couple of years she would get a new diagnosis and take 6 months off. She would pay thousands to find a private Dr who would give her a new diagnosis. Eventually she was pushed out, found another job and 6 months later, ironically died of a massive brain aneurysm.

  10. 21:20 Because America's political system and media landscape is dominated by lobby groups, billionaires, and corporations, and has been for over half a century. And because also for over half a century, unions have basically been rendered powerless in the usa, completely destroying any collective bargaining power workers might have had. And because politicians in the usa are completely dependent on private donors to run their election campaigns, making them dependent on these donors and thus unofficially owing favours or being aligned with these wealthy donors (private, corporate or pressure and lobby groups).

    The media in the USA is run for profit, are private companies, and are owned and run by billionaires, so they willingly spout lies and falsehoods that support them and their wealthy owners, and their fellow corporations. Americans are fed propaganda on a daily basis in ALL mainstream media, it's just not government propaganda, but interest group, lobbyist and coorporate propaganda, promiting extreme capitalism and demonising worker rights.

    This has now lead even to the recent lawsuits against a media outlet like fox, proving they are willingly lying to americans simply to push their wealthy journalist's agenda, general corporate agenda, and billionaire owners' agenda.

    America isn't a real true democracy and hasn't been for half a century. Theres way way too many lobbyists groups, special interest groups, and so on influencing politics. And the voting system has become so skewed and rigged through gerrymandering, the electoral college, and so on that the actual vote of the people doesn't really count anymore. Not one republican president has been elected with an actual proportional majority of the vote since the 1980s. Its only because of the electoral college that they can get elected anymore. That should say enough. And the fact you have a first past the posts system and not a proportional representation system means the usa is stuck in a two party system where new parties and new ideas don't get a chance whatsoever, even if neither party is particularly liked by a majority of people.

    Look up some vids on different voting systems, and learn why the american system promotes a two party system with two parties that end up not really representing the people. It's inevitable the way it's set up…

  11. American: I have the right to own a gun.
    I have the right not to wear a face mask. I'm not paying for other people's medical bills.
    The Rest of the World: We need to put limits on gun ownership. We should wear a face mask to protect our families and others. We will be taxed to pay for a health service that is accessible to all.
    Spot the difference!

  12. Here in the UK we can take up to 1 week inc the weekend if we are sick without a doctors certificate. Anything beyond that then needs a doctors note. Although the Govenment say the figures Evan mentioned the norm is that most companies will offer 52 weeks paid leave and they will get a good chunk of that back from the Government. Paternity leave is getting better and the average is more like a month now. It will never change in the US because the Govenment system there allows private lobbying. So essentially politicians from both sides are being openly bribed to make sure legislation that may force these rights are never made law.

  13. In Australia, if you work in the same company for ten years you qualify for Long Service leave of 3 months paid leave. Every year after that,you get an additional 10 days leave on top of your regular leave entitlements. The leave carries over and accumulates. Sick leave entitlements are there for a reason. When I was a supervisor, I was quite blunt about taking sick leave. If you’re sick, ie a cold or whatever,I don’t want you at work infecting everyone else. Personal or Compassionate leave are there for a reason. If you have lost a family member you have a lot of things to do and are probably not in the right mind to be at work. Where I worked supervisors were allowed discretion to allow a staff member to take a day off. I had no problem giving someone a day off if their cat or dog died. It’s not as altruistic as it sounds. They were not going to be as productive as they might be , they had things they needed to sort out.

  14. 9:50 there is a trade off. In developed Europe welfare takes from the top to redistribute back to the average joe.

    Basically the rich are much richer in the states but the middle class and less well off in Europe have it much better. I’d say this cutoff point is a person in the US making about $100k with average costs. Above this the US is better, though there are some exceptions such as for some extremely rich tax havens of Europe.

  15. 16:00 there were actually a few studies done about this concept and the TLDR is yes it works and is much more productive to a limit and also depends on the industry.

    A factory worker’s productivity is typically linear with hours worked, so a car factory probably won’t get much benefit out of this.

  16. Taxes – I believe is the answer to the question about what US gets compared to the rest, since the rest can provide so much more. If you are in a good job in the US, Im pretty sure US is a really great place – problem is just that the largest portion of people work in jobs that makes the core function (bus drivers, supermarket workers, teachers etc etc) and Im pretty sure US is not a great place to be.

  17. Here in the UK we're allowed at least 28 days of paid leave a year. There are conditions though. You have to put your holiday request dates in to your company to be approved. Essentially you could take all 28 days in one go but you need to give the company plenty of advanced notice so they can get your shifts covered in good time. You couldnt just call up your job and say "I'm not coming in to work for a few weeks. I want my paid leave, starting now."
    Most employees at the start of the year will place their holiday requests and these are then approved or denied by the company. The company cant refuse every holiday request you put in but sometimes they have to refuse it if your holiday dates coincide with many other employee's holiday dates. Holidays are often allowed on a 'first come, first served' basis. So you get your holiday requests in early.
    As for paternity leave in the UK: Fathers are allowed 2 weeks paid leave as standard. They can take more leave if they need to. They can switch out the mother's maternity leave with them. So if the father wants to be the main care giver for the baby and the mother go back to work (once she's medically cleared to work after the birth) then the father can receive the maternity pay that the mother would have been getting. So they can share the maternity leave as such. Whichever parent is the stay at home care giver gets the longer paid leave. The other parent just gets the 2 paid weeks. This works well for same sex couples or couples that adopted. One parent is the 'main care giver' regardless of who gave birth, and that parent gets more paid leave.

  18. I'm from South Africa and we have paid sick leave and public hospitals, some are quite run down in recent years due to government corruption however a few still function well. But through most of the past few decades we have had these services and rights. We also get two weeks of paid leave for holiday and two weeks unpaid leave.

  19. “What if you’re sick?” That would have nothing to do with unlimited vacation time Connor, vacation is not used for sickness in the UK. If you’re sick when you’re on vacation you can claim the time back

  20. You need to listen mate, you’re making judgements based on assumptions again – like assuming that you don’t need a doctor’s note at all, which is not what he said

  21. A lot of the british laws come from the end of WW" where the Labour Party were voted in and they started from there. How do Americans stop the spread of this. In 2 ways they mention very high taxes or the big scary C word of Communism. Which is not the same thing at all


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