American Metaphysics in the 19th Century with Ronnie Pontiac

Ronnie Pontiac was the personal research assistance for Manly P. Hall at the Philosophical Research Society in Los Angeles.


30 thoughts on “American Metaphysics in the 19th Century with Ronnie Pontiac”

  1. Statement of Comment Etiquette for New Thinking Allowed

    You are asked to be courteous at all times to all participants, and to limit your comments to the topics discussed in the videos. Your thoughtful participation is encouraged. If you post insulting comments here or promote political propaganda, conspiracy theories, or religious dogmas as if they were the absolute truth, you will have disqualified yourself and you will be permanently banned from posting on this channel. Except however, if you still want to post an aggressively rude or off-topic comment (and haven't yet been banned from posting), go visit our monolog about George Carlin at All comments will be accepted there, but not here.

  2. Maybe white crows are like siddhis & aren't meaningful unless they serve to connect with the greater, non-physical reality. But I still get a huge kick out of discovering new ones.

    And yes – please bring Ronnie back for a Livestream.

  3. Fascinating information! Loved hearing this rich and interesting American metaphysical history, especially the involvement of women and enslaved persons/descendants of the African diaspora. Ordering Mr Pontiac's book today. (Btw… Beautiful mane, Mr Pontiac. 😊) Thank you both so very much~ 🙏🏾❤️ 💫

  4. What an interesting interview!!! I Such an exciting time the 1800s to be alive, with so many movements and awakening processes. Ronnie has a fascinating wealth of knowledge that he conveys with easiness and clarity!!! On top, his hair is amazing!!! Thank you Jeffrey for this great interview ❤

  5. Thank you for a great interview. Two hundred years ago, scientific materialism became the new worldview. Goethe, the last alchemist, described it brilliantly in Faust. Carl Jung said he carried on the legacy of Goethe and Nietzsche. He, together with Wolfgang Pauli, approached the matrix of being – the archetypes.

  6. The marginalization of the people of color in the 19th century led not only to the Civil War in mid century, but also war with Mexico before and the Indian Wars after the Civil War. The tactics used in the latter wars, according to some historians, were instrumental in the US war in the Philippines – perhaps America's first major foreign war. This caused a reaction among the American people. The Anti-Imperialist League, for example, was formed. Mark Twain was the vice president of the League until he died.

  7. In Franz Liszt's first piano concerto, written around the time of the american civil war, I perceive a narrative of his personal life events with the repeated triangle usage, as the doorbell of visitors interrupting his work on the piece, followed by his use of a "sampling" of the american national anthem used with an air of the tragic. This seems an educated european's view of what was going on in the states during this period.


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