American Elites Have Built a CASTE SYSTEM for You | Glenn TV | Ep 362

Lesbian space witches, Chinese communists buying up U.S. land, and a Saudi push to eliminate the petrodollar are all part of a plan to cage you — to put you at the bottom of a new kind of caste system in America that will keep you poor and reliant on the government … FOREVER. Our entire economic system hinges on a massive amount of debt that doesn’t seem to bother Democrats OR Republicans in D.C. But why? All of the best financial experts now say the Federal Reserve’s new inflation target appears to be 3% rather than the previous standard of 2%. Elites are pushing inflation and cost-of-living prices higher and higher. But why?! Food, gas, and energy are already becoming scarce due to the rest of us getting priced out, and the globalist environmental agenda is making everything SCARCER. Why do this?! To add to the chaos, neither party ever seriously attempts to fix our border, and the illegal immigration crisis continues to worsen — proven by the invasion of a dangerous Venezuelan gang now wreaking havoc on U.S. streets. The household wealth of average Americans is disappearing while the government and top 1% elites are sucking it up like a giant vacuum. It’s the theft of a nation, and the middle class is now on life support. The Left is using culture wars to distract us, like by claiming fans of Star Wars are now “racist.” But the more important war we are ACTUALLY fighting is the class war: It’s elites and government officials versus YOU … the serf.

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37 thoughts on “American Elites Have Built a CASTE SYSTEM for You | Glenn TV | Ep 362”

  1. Notice the red bottom 50% on that graph compared to the 50 to 90%. Hey upper middle class government minions… you aren't in that 50%! …but you will be soon unless you stop doing the dirty work of the top 10% that's slowly destroying you.

  2. Glenn, I am 100% GENUINE when I BEG YOU to be our next VICE PRESIDENT AND THEN PRESIDENT!!!! You have the thumb on the pulse of EVERYTHING happening both now and historically and that knowledge would be SO VALUABLE to a LEADER of this nation! Without someone like you in the ear of the President and/or THE PRESIDENT, I honestly don't know how our Republic can stand much longer!! PLEASE, PLEASE CONSIDER THIS!!!

  3. When will our “National Debt” will be called for repayment? Are our federally owned land the only “asset” large enough to cover that debt? The other option could be the privately owned retirement savings such as IRA’s? But aren’t those funds being eaten away by inflation? Are a majority of these funds “controlled” by large investment firms and banks? So who actually controls the “financial future” of America? Follow the money?

  4. And how many will “fight” their deportation when that program begins? How many “peaceful” immigrants support those willing to “fight”? Pray that America will survive until January?

  5. – there was a newspaper article published back in the late 1990's, concerning, closed down U.S. Military Bases, being reconstructed into Federal Prisons ,with seemingly Soviet-style designs to them :Within a published article entitled America's Concentration Camps (?)

  6. – the 1990's, the days of the startling reports of Black Helicopters just popping up in the sky over U.S. civilian land ,with some reports, of them, being navigated by foreign pilots and occupants as within

  7. the boomer generation in general but mostly the hippies who grew up raped and pillaged this country because of their insane greed. all they care about is money money money. they will leave their kids nothing but the refinance debt they racked up when they borrowed 5 times what their home is worth.

  8. Per your chart I earn in the top 1%. Unfortunately I live on the left coast. This state is eating me alive. For example. My car insurance jumped 1000 dollars in a year with no accidents. Gas 5 bucks a gallon. Crazy how no one is asking where California's 95 billion dollar surplus went.

  9. I'm sorry, but I'm 63 and when I was still in elementary. I had a argument. I told the teacher we were in a cast system. Then just wasn't being called a cast system. And now you all are starting to wake up really. What took you so long the end of our country? Duh

  10. Glen is right about the Tyrants wanting the worst for the people. There are a few in our country who would have been far better as leaders for our country than anyone in both more than failed parties. The real solution should have been to dump all this garbage while their was still time left, and spend that time making one real party for the people and their country. Yes it would have took some work to do, but better than being on the edge of Nuke War now, or at best the poor condition Glen described.

    Either one will happen by ignoring the sick and demented losers in both garbage parties!! Who obviously finally decided to just robbed the tax payers blind to make the end destruction possible. Of course knowing this generation would just lay down and take it as always. Another done deal years ago by the corrupt school system also ran by tyrants. Knowing evil things can always be done to the children that becomes permanent at that age, including weakness.


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