America Obliterates Half North Vietnam's MiG-21 Fleet In 13 Minutes – Operation Bolo reaction

America Obliterates Half North Vietnam’s MiG-21 Fleet In 13 Minutes – Operation Bolo by the fat electrician


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20 thoughts on “America Obliterates Half North Vietnam's MiG-21 Fleet In 13 Minutes – Operation Bolo reaction”

  1. Civilians and Politicians were both against the cause of the atrocities committed on the ground. Vietnam is what started the hippie movement in the US

    Vietnam vets have only recently started getting the respect they deserve

  2. 15:50
    LBJ was President at the time and the 'prolonging the war' bit is a viable theory. Hell, you should look up Robert McNamara, Secretary of Defense (1961-1968). Its his policies that not only shaped the Vietnam War, they pretty much started it.

  3. The crazy ROE was because this technically wasn’t a war, more like an intervention. Nowadays pretty much all combat aircraft have a gun just in that rare case they may need one.

    Edit: Also technically the US didn’t lose. We signed a treaty and left. The resulting invasion by North Vietnam after the fact was an entirely separate conflict that did not involve the US.

  4. THe MiG-21 was considered one of the Soviets' best for a long time, but it has not been a first rate aircraft since the 1970s. As you say, it is still a knofe and can be deadly, but it really is not up to the level of the F-15/F-16/FR-18 etc…

  5. All government agency are in competition with each other for resources and power. They are extremely territorial especially over the assets they control. If NSA found out what the Airforce was doing they would have thrown an absolute fit. They would find some way to retaliate. Being the NSA I'm sure they had some dirt on the Air Force Generals.

  6. For some context on how bad it was, the F-105 Thunderchief received its nickname "THUD" from the sound they make pancaking into the jungle after being shit down. And they suffered SO MANY casualties (Like a couple hundred to a thousand plus) that the entire class was deemed a loss as a whole and all remaining F-105's were withdrawn from service.

  7. 27:27 its not so easy.

    The air force the marine core the army, all of those are independent chains of comand and information is on a NEED TO KNOW bases.

    Unless they are cordinating a major joint operation they dont know what the other branches are doing.

    Even on the same branch diferent air bases diferent misions and objectives

    Allso when shootong beond visual range thers a real posibility to shoot down a friendly Plane.

    Politicians dont want to deal with a scandal over friendly fire, thats why the enforced those rulles of engagement.

    What they didn't know is that it efectibly rendered the entire airforce as COMBAT INEFICIENT.

  8. You were right on the money with your assessment. The number of politicians invested in arms manufacturing companies is disgusting. This included President Johnson, the president from 1963 to 1969. His personal corruption was at a level… too long to go into in this post. I could tell how frustrated you were just listening to the garbage that these fighter pilots went through. The combat soldiers went through the same thing but it was in their face. Nearly 3 million Americans fought in Vietnam under these conditions. And then they did the same thing in the Afghan/Iraq wars. Is it any wonder why the Servicemen and women, their children, and grandchildren no longer trust our Government.

  9. Okay, yes! The early F-4 Phantoms didn't have a gun. This was corrected with the Phantom 2 upgrade. All 3 flying branches of the US Armed Forces (Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps) had the Phantoms. However, they all had different doctrines. The F-8 Crusader (Corsair) was offered to the US Air Force first. That plane was equipped with four 20-MM Cannons, plus Air to Air Missiles. And it had the speed necessary to BE an interceptor! Moreover, it was carrier capable (Corsair). Unfortunately, the Air Force wasn't interested. They were all about the technology aspect of the time. Which was missiles. They were very well convinced "dogfighting" WW2 and Korean War style was now in the past. At this time in US Air Force history, the Air Force was led by the bomber generals. Men like General Curtis LeMay were in charge. Strategic Air Command (SAC) was General LeMay's baby. His command received the funding for whatever bomber HE WANTED! Which was the B-36, B-47, B-52, and B-58. This man eventually became the top Air Force commander for 5 years. Before he was the top commander, he had a major influence in politics AND the military! Therefore, as a man of major influence, he promoted officers with bomber backgrounds in leadership positions. Which means…. a man like Robin Olds… was no longer needed in the Air Force. So, by the 1960s, those WW2 and Korean War fighter pilots who liked to get in the fight and look for kills were already retired. Robin Olds and Chappie James were amongst the last few "Gunfighters" left. As for the Crusader (Corsair), the Navy saw the potential of the plane. The Navy bought the carrier variant (Corsair) along with both Phantom variants and a host of other fighter planes that met the Navy's and Marine Corps requirements.

  10. The Vietnam War was built to lose. To drag it out so the military could get unlimited money . From the beginning, they planned us to lose . The private military contractors got filthy rich and used it to fund the massive advanced military we have now. It's why we continue giving to war. They didn't let the military win.
    Research it.


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