Amazon's NEW WORLD MMO – Huge Update, New Weapon & Crafting Re-Worked!

We are back with more of Amazons New World MMO, it’s awesome to see the game getting these huge monthly updates and the patch notes certainly make for …


31 thoughts on “Amazon's NEW WORLD MMO – Huge Update, New Weapon & Crafting Re-Worked!”

  1. Honestly a pretty cool selection of updates landing in this months update, whilst still lots to improve I really feel they are starting to put effort and focus in the right places + really liking the look of the Rapier a dexterity build with rapier & spear is looking like a great option 😀

  2. Good job on the video. After playing the game and seeing what they have to offer I am no longer hyped at all. The game is missing it's soul. It has mediocre combat, nonexistent story, and crafting is left somewhat obsolete by the fact that we never drop loot on death. Even with changes like this it's putting a band-aid on an infected wound. I'm not saying the game will be a 1/10, but neither was Cyberpunk 2077 and I can't find the desire to play that mediocre game past the 2nd act. I do follow news on the game though and appreciate your opinions!

  3. Awww but the combat still LOOKS super janky, like aiming seems weird and stuttery with really weird hitboxes when watching vids, how does it feel? I mean its like ConqBlade level of Jank when comes to movement, invisible walls and freedom of movement

  4. evo loz gaming I have a question not really connect to this video but about conqeror's blade can i use for example an epic longsword armour with maul or does it have to be the same as the weapon and if no then whats the best armour for the maul ? the mault armour or maybe something else? thanks and sr for my english but its not my mothertounge

  5. I despise higher mobs getting buffs against lower level players, because I like to challenge my self, and if mobs my level are too easy, then what do I do? fight without weapons?

  6. The more options you have, the less choice you actually have and the less choice you have the less variety you will see in game. It was little wonder that one of the biggest complaints made by those watching the game was that everyone looked the same and using the same weapon.

  7. The problem with MMOS nowadays it’s that they are to easy once you get high level I like the challenge of facing high level mobs only because I have played blood born and dark souls so those high level mobs will be nothing

  8. I have two questions:
    1. Can you block with any weapon?
    2. How do enemies behave around you. Is it like in most MMOs where enemies stand in small groups, each 10+ meters away and you kill every group without other groups attacking you or even noticing you? Or is it more realistic like in Skyrim or Dark Souls where the moment you come into line of sight of your enemy, they attack you?

  9. If what I hear is true, this is gonna be a major flop.

    Unfortunately, Amazon is looking to appeal to a large audience, rather than hardcore PvP gamers that are the core of any successful game.


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