Amazon's Fallout Is A DISASTER ALREADY | HasanAbi reacts to Synthetic Man

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31 thoughts on “Amazon's Fallout Is A DISASTER ALREADY | HasanAbi reacts to Synthetic Man”

  1. You are a pathetic reactionary. Woke has gotten under your skin so bad, that you see wokeness everywhere. I don't like the woke movement, but all I see is good actors and writing. Fallout is an excellent series. Period. Why not try to get over yourself.

  2. Why does every new thing need a black main character and white main character relationship every time? It’s exhausting we get it.. every single thing, new Star Wars , new fallout. Just stop

  3. Love Fallout. Started with New Vegas back in the day. Thought the show was incredible. The guy that made the review video is a dink; clearly didn't bother watching the series to the end before spewing his bile all over the internet. Who is this even for? Some circle jerk of racist incels?

  4. Yo… I saw my wife bring two pregnancies to term (to say nothing of the pregnancies that did not), and I don't think I have met ANYONE tougher than she is. She'd reduce THIS douchebag doing the shitty YouTube essay to a pile of cinders.

  5. They're having a temper tantrum because there is a female and black character…. it's especially funny as there is no "main character" in fallout as in you create your own character. Its just Incels and racists outing themselves.

  6. Lol this guy has a real dumb racket going. Act as stupid and annoying as possible, which gets the morons AND the smart people to click. Because the morons will click because they have no brain, and the smart people will click to tell him to get help and or laugh at him. So he's able to exist off of it. Crazy lol.

    I say just ignore people like this. It's hard to though, they are fun to make fun of lolz.

  7. Lmao I knew the ones talking shit about the show are the people who haven’t even seen it I also know the people talking shit about the show are the ones who wanted the show to fail so they can talk shit about said show. But guess what they’re all wrong the show was amazing coming from a fallout fan who has intensive knowledge of the fallout lore.


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