Am I smarter than chat? (Quixort)

Quixort is in The Jackbox Party Pack 9:

This video came from my stream on May 23, 2023. Catch me live from 9AM-2PM PT every weekday here:

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41 thoughts on “Am I smarter than chat? (Quixort)”

  1. Ok. I am never going to recover from the fact that million pennies was actually 10,000. That is some disingenuous phrasing by that prompt. im almost mad that NL got that one right.

  2. Sad to admit that this was one of the first streams i joined in on and i did significantly worse than the baldman. He truly is built different

  3. this brings out the backseater in me. australia smaller than greenland???? borneo in the south pacific?????????? did he mix up borneo and bora bora???????????????????

  4. This was my favourite NL video for a while! High intensity gameplay combined with NL deep knowledge! I thought it was so funny the reveal on the Springfield one πŸ˜€

  5. Man's spacing is psychotic. "Let's place the second block closest to the first, why bother giving space when we have the whole board for only 9 blocks"

  6. For better quick manouvers, I am pretty sure if you hold d or a on the keyboard you can shoot the piece all the way to the side. That's what I've seen another streamer do anyway.


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