Alright, it’s time we talk about the Overwatch 2 Beta

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The second Overwatch 2 beta has been out for more than two weeks, so it’s about time I actually talked about it. Junker Queen is awesome, Rio is neat, there are a few other nice tidbits in this beta, but overall I think it’s showing some big problems. Today I talk about why I’ve found this Overwatch 2 beta to be so underwhelming and what Blizzard might need to do going forward.

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0:00 – Intro
2:16 – Junker Queen Thoughts
7:30 – New Map Rio
8:44 – OW2 Hero Redesigns
9:42 – New Voice Interactions
11:40 – The Missing Hype
12:31 – Console Access
13:35 – Player Access Limitations
14:18 – The Big Problem with Beta 2

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#overwatch #overwatch2 #overwatch2beta

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Recording: Bandicam Screen Recording
Editing: Adobe Premiere Pro CC
Game: Overwatch (duh)


20 thoughts on “Alright, it’s time we talk about the Overwatch 2 Beta”

  1. So people are finally realising that 3 heroes at launch and only 1 per beta is absolutely unacceptable? I’ve been saying this since it was announced.

    Everyone was acting so hyped when they revealed the content plan, when I was just utterly dissapointed from the start.

    It’s a SEQUEL, it’s been THREE YEARS, we would have 8 heroes by launch if they continued like before, 3 is just pathetic

    This doesn’t feel like a new game or even a relaunch at all.

  2. Agree with most things apart from the content. You can’t expect the PVE to be included in any beta, let alone this one. They already acknowledged it’s far down the road and maybe not even this time next year. So without that and a huge drop of new heroes, what could there be… a competitive mode? They already said that’s for later, likely next beta or even left for the October launch. Battle Pass? That won’t launch until October, so again… what content were people expecting?

  3. I feel like people like you are ungrateful. It sounds like you want them to throw all of the new content in the beta or keep adding stuff to keep you entertained and that's not always whats it for. You have to realize that it's a beta and a beta is usually used for testing the game in the world and fixing issues or monitoring certain things. Also, they added Playstation and Xbox to this one and that's another test in itself. They've added enough for a BETA and I feel like people who feel entitled to more are selfish. Be happy with what you got and leave the rest of the content for the actual release or the open beta.

  4. The way they did the roll out + the content + the slower response on changes + the roadmap reveal. It's just a combination of factors that kinda ruined any hype this Beta had. If they had given all the opt-ins access during the first week, I think it would've helped a lot. I fear that they won't be doing an open beta just because the game goes free to play, but here's hoping.

  5. Ok I’m writing this as the video starts, I really enjoyed the game and my issue was the queue times, they handled it horribly man. Going from ow1 where I had less than 3 minute queue times as a tank player to a 20+ minute queue time on ow2. And that sucked I’d hop on for a night of ow2 and play 4 games in 3 hours it’s ridiculous. I found myself just playing ow1 instead. It was infuriating man.

  6. Mainly I feel like they're shooting themselves in the foot w/ balance. The first beta got rid of so much BS from OW1, it was great! But Blizz is falling on old habits and making these weird, out of touch changes again… it's supremely frustrating.

  7. I JUST got the beta last night, and I'm already displeased with how the game plays. I've never felt such a severe lack of agency playing the supports I love. The 'matchmaking' is laughable (understandable, yes, but still really disappointing when you want to learn how to play new heros and pray that literally everyone else isn't complete trash at their pics as well.) The game feels overall sluggish and confusing. . . Tank and DPS queues are insanely long, like you said, and the instant queue for Support just goes to show how screwed up supports are right now.

  8. I stopped playing the beta largely because I didn't like Unranked mode. It felt like Quick-Play-quality matchmaking with Competitive-level time commitment.

  9. The thing is, OW(1) died because no content was being made for it, due to all the effort going into OW2, only for OW2 to essentially be OW(1) with a new forced gamemode (one that is particularly unfun for supports, and alienates a lot of the people that liked the original OW's heavier teamplay components), and having much less content than we would have had, had Blizzard simply kept making content for OW(1), and just introduced a Battle Pass or whatever. We went from a new hero every couple of months in OW(1), to OW2 having only 2 new heros to show for a 3 year content drought, none of which is a support. I'm aware that the new Kitsune hero is going to be a support, and that there are more on the way, BUT, only 2 heros are playable since the last dropped 3 years ago? wut..

  10. Honestly the problem with this beta is and was obvious. The hype died down the moment Blizzard announced not so subtly that the only people who would really be getting beta access at any immediate speed were those that would pay $40 for a content bundle that includes the base original game, and cosmetics for a future game of undetermined value.

    That marketing tactic was horrible and caused the understandable backlash of people being less interested in the beta, as having to wait 3 weeks from the announcement is going to sour anyone's opinion of the content, especially when you only get to play for 4 days of the 21 day period. This also seems like a poor decision because letting in more people at once would likely have improved the game's queue times, so it came off as what it was: a scummy attempt to play off of people's FOMO and get them to spend $40 to get beta access.

    With the addendum that the watchpoint pack was a spit in the face to a large number of Overwatch players who would be forced to basically buy the base game *again*. The fact that there was no bundle option that didn't include the base game for people who already had it was a horrible decision. Steam has been doing bundles correctly without charging you for products you already own for years. It was super clear that Activision Blizzard was trying to make as much money off a starved and desperate player base as they possibly could, and treating your players who have waited 3 years for any new content like that is going to make them less interested in playing your game.

  11. I love Junker Queen’s kit but she is alittle overturned. I think it’s completely unnecessary that her ultimate applies anti-heal, we don’t need more of that in the game, Ana is more than enough already 🙄, but it also just doesn’t make sense with her kit? Why does she have it? It doesnt make sense. her ultimate should’ve just been a damage ultimate with a slow effect kinda like Orisa’s. I also think her Shout is alittle OP and should deplete for Junker Queen instead of just her teammates. I hope Blizzard doesn’t touch her cooldowns or carnage though.

  12. Queen is good if overtuned to build hype, she puts other tanks into a harder situation as she is pure unrelenting aggression with self sustain and very little down time. She's always doing something so with the new "tank" being just fat dps she's probably best in slot. As for the imbalances in fat dps and the meta implications it's going to be "PLAY THE ONE META TANK FOR THIS MAP OR REPORT" from second one

    Rio, It's certainly a new map alright
    Redesigns, hooray the only new skins F2P players will get
    The new voice lines are nice but nowhere near enough to make up for the lack of content
    The hype was spent on the first beta, Yet another dps and reworks for tanks to make them fat dps, overall game tuning for the lack of sustain, nerfs to support etc as opposed to beta 2 1 hero 1 new ability for moira 2 weeks in and mercy jump changes, comparatively in every way it's just inferior to the first one

    Was it bad? No, Was it subpar? Depends if you got into the first or not, For those that did yes for those that didn't it was fine and that's the issue, three years of nothing to be me with "it's *fine*" is disappointing


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