All Kinds Of Action Going On

just a small amount of what I do in a day or two. I have discovered the cure for insomnia!!! work as hard as three men and there will be no more problems falling asleep. I have also found the cure for depression! its pretty much the same only accomplish all that you set out to do in a day. if you feel depressed that just means you didnā€™t plan your day full enough! if your having problems with too much work and you donā€™t know how your going to get it all done. the cure for that is to get up earlier in the morning and get the shit show started. you will be surprised what you can accomplish in a day when you are not dealing with employees that donā€™t respect you when you do all of these things before they show up to work. oh and when you do accomplish all of the things that you set out to do in that day it helps if you have a GOOD wife on your side that makes you a nice supper when you get home. if you work together than sometimes takeout is a blessing. thank you all for watching my show for all of these years you are appreciated.


47 thoughts on “All Kinds Of Action Going On”

  1. These organic people donā€™t realize that not to long ago say the 50ā€™s or earlier we didnā€™t have vaccinations not like today or fertilizer or the sanitation of animals grows out. We lost all of crops and animals before being harvested. Now we are seeing those viruses and diseases coming back because thereā€™s nothing to stop them same with weeds

  2. Doesnt the dead grass help to shield the roots of the corn and preserve water šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø not being a farmer i have no idea , just using my brain and doing some thinning šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

  3. I'm not if if you got any of it. But it must have rained a smidgen last night. Probably not enough to do any good for the vegetation. Everything was soaking wet when I got out of bed this morning.

  4. Wes I always think when I see you mowing that for the money those mowing machines cost it's not economically efficient and the amount of time it takes to mow…those machines surely have enough hp to drive at least double the width. I know u are not a fan of butterflies but for less money I think u would be impressed with the work rate of two or three mowers

  5. Wes, religion was never mentioned in the Bible as a positive thing, in fact, Jesus mocked the religious rulers of the day. I'm a Bible believing Christian, and I highly recommend putting your faith in Jesus for salvation, and for everything else too. But I don't recommend religion at all. Just stick with the Bible. I'll be praying for you guys. And for some rain!!!

  6. I rarely do this but I reported a person in this thread "the one"
    Reason. physical threat against OLF and his family. Because of the info he gave he should be reported to the police with a restraining order
    his twitter and themtube channel is creepy.

  7. Wes could you please show us the beans that you planted in the knee high grass canopy? This is not the field obviously ,the corn field is not either, you appear to be mixed up!There would be more of a brown grass mat and no soil would be showing or not that much!

  8. so you must be very proud of yourself for using all the steroids you pumping into your hay never seen such a dick head of a farmer like you using all the chemicals your dumping on your crops
    mushroom farmer, you sell our crappy hey to send mushrooms to Canada and got Canadian sick with your growth steroid and growth chemical you pumping into you hay and now corn
    more like the dairy board ground growth hormones in your milk why your not allowed to milk cows anymore that one eyebrow you have on all of your kids you produced must be injected with growth and steroids into each kid
    your mushroom farm sold bad mushrooms to another country it saw it has a trade-in selling American product wonder how will it spreads the covid virus to other countries in your food you force other counties to buy trumps disease he made and spread a round the world to seem Americans have the vaccines too for it

  9. Wes start praying n talking to God himself it a good thing you'll see things change . Another thought um irrigation at all ? Is there away to get water on those beds ?

  10. Ya I know what you mean about mowing the hay my gpa used to use the bush hog on his orchard grass and best stand no weeds we offered the hay to a dairy farm grandpa got tires of mowing it 2 times a year when he was alive and they turned us down 10 acers beautiful for heifers or dry cows


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