ALL Human Design Types – Uranus Mars North Node Conjunction

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12 thoughts on “ALL Human Design Types – Uranus Mars North Node Conjunction”

  1. Totally hear you on tree time . As a projector ….I felt need for gentleness and trees yesterday . Wahe guru ! And my release was my yoga classes . 😌 just taking a break for self

  2. Hi as a manifesting generator is it a good idea to listen to the generator piece as well.
    This work is incredible. I'm working a lot on my money mindset and have been doing so well. I have just walked away from a business and am totally unsure of what is next and how i will manage financially. But I deeply know all will be ok and I am absolutely doing the right thing . Then just this morning I went into a bit of a downward spiral into fear around money and wanting to hold onto it tightly . I saw the pattern immediately but it's quite powerful.
    Then listened to you today and knew all will be well . I need to be in my lighthouse and deepen my own trust.
    Thank you ❀️

  3. Thank you! Amazing! I'm Emotional generator 6/2 /β™“πŸ”†;♑⬆;β™‹πŸŒ™ and my life is a roller coaster….Thanks God I'm 62, there is no way I want to be 20 ore 30 ore 40 . After 50 finally I learned to love myself and got a bit easier. I have a son with developmental /dis/ abilities, manifesting generator ♍/my NN is in ♍/ I seldom have a break, the obstacles are lessons and I wish it was easier to master them. I clearly see and I'm grateful ! my husband and one friend – manifestors; one friend and sister and sister in law Projectors it's great to observe them….I FEEL You always have the right worlds and examples to UNDERSTAND. I LOVE YOUR VIDEOS! THANK YOU MICHAEL! I watch from beginning to the end, human design, astrology, numerology, Mayan dream spell galactic calendar all great tools to know yourself and others.

  4. So much of what you say resonates on so many levels. It feels so good to have confirmation. It has been challenging to see people being whacked with ramped up energy, especially, as you say some of these people I love so dearly. I've been in the process of releasing these karmic relationships and its hard but I feel so free.

  5. Once I had my feet in a little creek with a friend. These little fishies were sucking on our toes and we were laughing. All of a sudden all the fish disappeared. THEN lightning struck higher in the creek and we felt the shock. It was light so we were fine but the fish TOTALLY KNEW that the shock was coming.

  6. I am liking the format of your videos with the descriptions through each design. Thank you! I am a four/sixth line projector and you nailed it again with resonance to what is happening divinely in thine own life. The affirmation certainly put me back into awareness. I do enough and even when it's time to rest, I have carried nervousness from childhood that I need to be doing more. After entering Saturn's return a few years ago, I finally feel a hang of listening to the call and flowing accordingly. Lately one has felt very blessed to be so wise and awakening earlier than in past lives.
    Oh, and I found the arc line meditation you mentioned and did it right away. I may do that often because what a treat to feel the lightness and truth beaming through my head and heart. It wasincredibly soothing to release and move the body in that way over the head. I love having the science of Kundalini to remove unnecessary energies especially as a woman and mother. I am breaking generational patterns. Sat nam Namaste <3

  7. Thank you I love your readings. I am a 6:2 Manifestor and I have struggled my whole life with my repelling aura. I feel like Moses parting the sea some times. I would love to know some strategies to help me with this. When I am around people I can feel myself pushing people away and strangely it feels so natural. Finding friendships and relationships has been challenging. When I am on stage performing and creating space for other people, then its not a problem. The problem is when I am off stage. I tried your discount code "FRIEND" and unfortunately it does not work. I must have repelled it πŸ™‚ Hahaha


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