ALL DETECTIVE DLCs (TRIGGER WARNING) – Let's Play – Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE – Part 13

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20 thoughts on “ALL DETECTIVE DLCs (TRIGGER WARNING) – Let's Play – Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE – Part 13”

  1. Personally, I enjoyed Yakou's DLC the most, despite it being the shortest, since it has real emotional and plot impact. After would be Halara's DLC, since we actually had an investigation and I didn't realize how the crime was committed until I learned about the eaves (which is a word I didn't even know, had to serve it up! πŸ˜‚). The culprit was pretty generic though, and I was sad that Halara's reward never showed up in-game besides that one Photo in Ch.1. Afterwards would be Fubuki's DLC, it was pretty silly but I liked it, especially with how our favorite detectives besides Yuma and Yakou all worked together to help our Dummy Thic Time-Reversing Detective. It was nice seeing the interact. Afterwards would be Desuhiko's DlC, I'll admit it was boring but I like Desuhiko better than Vivian. Although I like both Aou and Enye, but Enye has more intreuge as she can still interact with Desuhiko freely unlike Aoim also, the Vivia DLC twist didn't really hit it for me, although I'll admit it was cool. I Don't really understand why Vivia would have such an attachment to Chief Yakou when to he Chief Yakou and Yuma have a much more fleshed-out Mentor-Disciple relationship, whereas Yakou just looks out for Vivia as a good host is expected to.

  2. Yakou is definitely coming back the human one is already with his wife but that doesn't mean that the other one doesn't deserve another chance at living. I just hope the pill he takes will help him

  3. Personally, I enjoyed Vivia DLC the most because it expended his character and explained a lot of things missing about him in the main game.

    Why does Vivia constantly say that he want to die someday? Why does he want peace and quiet so much? Why does he hate uncovering the truth? Here we got to see the consequence to being able to see the dead. He is tormented by dead. They keep telling him the harsh truth. They are the opposite of peace and quiet. As long as he keeps living, he cannot escape from being tormented.

    To Vivia, dying is salvation. While he does have things he enjoys in life like reading and watching sceneries, he struggles to find peace and quiet as long as he keeps living. He latches on Yakou and later on Yuma as well because they are the very few people who are willing to talk to him despite who he is. He was never interested in becoming a detective, never proud of being himself, all he ever wanted was to die so he can be out of his misery.

    Chapter 4 gives us a huge character development where we see him finally accepting the truth and himself as a detective. Learning to deal with the truth is akin to him learning to deal with the harsh reality of being able to see the dead and no longer running away from it. Learning to accept himself as a detective is akin to him learning to appreciate himself, that he wants to be able to feel proud of himself. These are things taught to him by Yakou and Yuma.

    I feel this DLC helps us to understand and appreciate how much Vivia has grown since then. Truly an amazing character with so much to unpack.

  4. – NGL, kinda ship Desu with the Nine Tailed Cat. Was honestly rooting for her this whole time, not just because she's cute but because I don't even think most of what she's done is that bad, eat the rich and all, lol. She could just enjoy teasing him because he's so easy to manipulate, lol. Also yeah that one scene with the kid feel kinda weird. :v Overall not bad though.
    – Fubuki's story was nice! Not much to say, just thought it was neat. Also for some reason expected the Red Rain people lol.
    – Wow, the Chapter 3 curse inflicts even the DLC. I don't mind it that much TBH, the main thing I wish was that something to do with the dinner and sleeping pills was in the evidence, that didn't have much build up. Anyway, wonder if Halara took that cat with them after they left Kanai Ward. As for the milk… hopefully it's a lactose free variant (if that's the issue for why milk is poisonous to cats).
    – Okay the Vivia story was… wow. Honestly not even sure I've fully processed it, it's a LOT to deal with. I do say I kinda hope he visits Ryo sometimes tho, so she's not always alone there. ;-; Also wow, this really does explain why he values Yakou so highly, and makes that specific chapter hit even harder.
    – Okay wow the Yakou one was also a lot, though it is weird she calls him my darling when she knows this isn't actually her husband and just a copy of him. But heh, potential homunculi zombie cure, interesting.

  5. GUYS DESUHIKO IS ❌NOT❌ IN HIS HAIJI TOWA ERA HE WAS JUST JOKING OK πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ€£πŸ˜­πŸš¨πŸ˜œπŸ˜±πŸ˜‘ He is the Best Boy who calls his mom a Godess

  6. The halara case wouldve been better if they had stuck him onto an empty tank and then filled it with rainwater, drowning him hours later when the tank fills up – a whole room is too much

  7. Vivia's was my personal favorite. Even though Fubuki's my favorite character I feel Vivia has the best writing/stories of the group. He has great character development in chapter 4 and his side story felt fairly artful and overall felt like it was just deliberately hitting different from all of the rest.

  8. The yakko substory is literally like break in 2 origin ending bruh the ending its so annoying did he live or naw is she back or not but mainly if the medicine worked if it deos it answers everything but it would also mean that death literally doesn't exist in the world at all due to yk regeneration of all organs

  9. I'm fairly certain the reason why Ryo failed to save anyone is cause she's so bad at her job. She was practically goading Vivia into taking it to the top and almost not defending herself when she was accused of being a murderer. She only tried to stop him once they were basically at the top floor already.


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