Aliens Shocked to Find Humans Thriving On Galaxy's Deadliest Planet | Best HFY Stories


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Science Fiction, Sci-Fi Story, Sci-Fi Short Story, Sci-fi HFY
Humans are Space Orcs
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HFY Stories, Short story for sleep, fantasy sleep story


22 thoughts on “Aliens Shocked to Find Humans Thriving On Galaxy's Deadliest Planet | Best HFY Stories”

  1. Man, Those pesky Zorgons just showing up in all the multiverse just to be jerks to humanity. I am really starting to wonder if this is some kind AI generated multiverse blood feud between the Zorgons and Humans at this point they show up as the hostile aliens in all these AI generated stories on all the AI channels, its like come on do better and at least proof read your tripe and put a little effort into it before throwing it on YouTube. Man, crazy how lazy AI has already made these HFY "writers" and "content creators". Guess this is another HFY channel to ignore.

  2. What about the ruins? Sounded like they weren't the work of the adapted humans.
    How did they transform a patch of rock into a lush oasis in acid rain and poisonous atmosphere? If they had that capability, why hadn't the terraformed the entire planet?

  3. poor kralthar..
    in symbioses , mutual strength greater then the sum of individual shards of the spectrum of potential may be reaped
    in ignoring fenrirs lesson and making foes out of would be friends you only inspire the universe to kill you..


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