Aliens, Demons & God: Rocker DOROTHY Joins Me to Discuss!

Dorothy is a rockstar and joined me to discuss her wild journey and deliverance. Was a fun interview and covered a lot of theological territory, especially given the recent alien news. Dorothy is here:

Her new song with Nita Strauss is here:

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46 thoughts on “Aliens, Demons & God: Rocker DOROTHY Joins Me to Discuss!”

  1. Please share these videos to help grow the channel which gets little algo promotion. Be sure to like, share, comment and subscribe as well as turn on notifications.

  2. Folks just really open their soul to The Sweet Cream. I think The Sweet Cream might be a miracle. God's Devine hand graced Jay's glorious golden locks. The light and warmth of Jesus' love shines through The Sweet Cream. God bless you all, God bless The Cream.

  3. I am really happy for her but I pray that we ALL find our way to Orthodoxy..there is only one way. The Love and Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you ALL 🙏❤️

  4. I pray Christ leads her to His Church. You can tell she's been influenced quite a bit by the modern charismatic stuff, unfortunately. At least she's headed in the right direction.

  5. Aliens are demons. I lost alot of respect for you here. People who have alien encounters mention Jesus and the Aliens wince and flee. Cattle mutilation is inexplicable with ppl. The do stuff in seconds we can't do with modern surgery

  6. I too believe it's all an elaborate psy-op. The narrative doesn't seem to have the same hold on non-US audiences – because they haven't seen as much Marvel, Star Trek and Star Wars ? I see some parallels with the Great Monarch story in Catholic lore. There was an erudite book, over 500 pages, by an American(of course) , claiming to prove the reality of the Great Monarch prophecies. In that case, the psy-op would have been built over centuries instead of decades by the then-powerful Catholic church.

  7. I was glad to hear Jaques Vallee mentioned. I have his book, Messengers of Deception and it does reach that conclusion. For many years I have thought that they could be visitors from off the planet. Now I’m definitely rethinking this whole thing. The government is perpetrating the mother of all psy-ops on us.

  8. Anyone find it funny that most of these people who combat the whole SRA thing come at it from a protestant perspective..? If there were anything to ever make me consider protestantism..

  9. Jay Dyer's regjay tornado took him to the top!we ain't in Kansas no more! We somewhere over the rainbow! We meeting new people! We doing cool tings! Bumbaklatt Shottah ✊ Buffalo Solja
    😄 🙏 no place like home 👠 👠 ☦

  10. It's definitely possible she experienced something in a bad relationship, but she actually didn't provide any detail of her alleged SRA. I'm thinking her "Deliverance Minister" is a Bob Larson University graduate.

  11. This is one of the most fraudulent things I’ve ever seen. Infowars has been polluted by these attention seekers claiming David Icke woke them up when they were/are the biggest liberals Hollywood has ever seen. The “SRA” Dorothy is speaking of is from Michael The Vampire, whose about as satanic as an 13 year old in hot topic, his idea of a satanic ceremony jizzing on a ouji board – true story, another mentally ill loser rockstar she dated. She was coached before this interview by Tommy Vex whose been trying to help her rebuild her career. I hope this authentic and real but it sounds like AA rhetoric. Don’t waste your time watching this it’s fiction, she’s just trying to find a niche and she’s clueless.


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