They Answered The Call Part One | HFY | SciFi Short Stories

They Answered The Call Part One
I hope you enjoy Part one of this awesome series by u/repulsive-ardor
Heres part two, watch this one next!
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Original Story:

They Answered The Call-Part One

Year 2147 A.D. Earth Calendar

When the Humans first encountered the Galactic Commonwealth, it barely created a stir. Primitive by comparison to the other members of the Commonwealth, they were looked upon with pity as they pathetically struggled to expand and create colonies in their immediate vicinity. Most of the members quickly forgot about the embryonic Human Republic, while others took an interest in a detached, clinical view and studied them in secret, hoping to draw parallels and observations of their own species development into a space faring civilization millennia ago.

My species, the Eleani, took a greater interest in the fledgling interstellar polity and watched them with benevolent pride as they took their first steps into the void. We felt an immediate kinship to the Humans as they were the most like us in appearance and anatomy of all the other members, with the only real difference being that we still had prehensile tails and maintained an arboreal lifestyle. We viewed them as cousin-kin and children and had a vested interest in their development as we kept tabs on them from afar.

We watched as they bravely flung themselves out into unknown space to explore the great wonders at their fingertips, undeterred by the loss of ships and lives that are inherent in traversing the dangerous void. They seemed to have an endless curiosity about anything and everything, with Human scientists seemingly cataloging everything they could see, from the lowliest alien microbes on desolate worlds to traversing dangerous stellar nurseries to find exotic particles. Human explorers would pick a random star and head towards it, “Just to see what was there.” Human traders were found plying the established trade routes, selling their wares and curiosities to any who would buy them.

We became enamored with this new species and after a few years of watching the Humans, we decided to open official diplomatic channels and engage in first contact protocols. My Sirefather was the first appointed ambassador and was instrumental in forming a relationship with our cousin-kin. He quickly became their most ardent supporter within our government and would tell me many stories of these Humans when I was a youngling.

The one that stuck with me the most was when my father was describing how a Xenxin ship filled with younglings on a school class trip was trapped by a subspace rift that suddenly appeared along their course. I could sense the awe and sadness in his voice as he described how dozens of human ships answered the distress call. Scout ships, cargo ships, pleasure craft, science vessels, even pirate ships all responded. He recalled watching the sensor recordings with tears falling down his face as the Human ships courageously tried to rescue the younglings, with many being outright destroyed or critically damaged in their attempts.

It did not matter to them how many ships were destroyed or damaged, they just kept trying as even more Human ships would drop out of null space in response to the distress call and join in the efforts. They finally rescued the twenty-five Xenxin younglings at the cost of 12 destroyed and dozens of damaged ships, and over 800 Human lives lost.

“You could not but help to be awed by their willingness to sacrifice themselves for the younglings of another alien species. They were undaunted by the dangers, and as soon as one ship was destroyed or critically damaged, another would take its place. It was an inspiring sight to behold.” My father said after he finished the story.

It was this incident, among other examples of Humans coming to the aid of alien worlds and ships in times of calamity and distress that finally convinced our government to assist the Humans in their development. It was strictly forbidden in the Commonwealth Charter to give primitive species technology that they had not yet developed, but our government skirted these restrictions by several means, such as Eleani ships “disappearing” or being “destroyed” by random anomalies near Human Republic space and surreptitiously being recovered by Human agents.

The Xenxin went even further, and in gratitude for the Human sacrifices in saving their younglings, sent an unmarked, stealthed courier ship into Human space outfitted with their most advanced technology and a data repository of all their knowledge and technology.

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28 thoughts on “They Answered The Call Part One | HFY | SciFi Short Stories”

  1. Hi, I am the author repulsive-ardor. I absolutely love what you did here and I can't believe how well this came out and has been received. Nice job, SciFi Story Guy, this is fantastic and I am subscribed! Now hurry up and get part two posted already!!! Thank you again for your time and effort making this, it is wonderful!

  2. Ayo humans are determined to murder anything that threatens the existance of another. We are barbarians in the great cosmos and we fight to the last man
    Side note: 6,894 warships of many classes. Bro, O7 to the insectoids, they fucked around now they gonna find out 😂


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